Chapter 3 - Settling

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June 24th, 2024
Skeppy's apartment

Bad POV:
It was a bit of a surprise to me to see Skeppy living in an apartment, but it's Skeppy, why would he not? We got into his apartment and Rocco was barking like crazy at us, it was probably a surprise to him to see an unfamiliar face in his owner's home. Rat would've done the same. He guided me down a hallway and led me into a bedroom across from his, and told me to settle in. I unpacked my suitcase with my essentials, I only brought a couple of extra things and they were  in a separate bag. I put my shirts and pants on hangers in the closet, and my socks and other clothing in the dresser. I was only staying for 2 weeks so I didn't bring that much. I went back out to the kitchen and Skeppy was waiting at the door.
I had forgotten that we were going to the store to get ingredients for our meals. (that I was going to make) I slipped on my coat and followed Skeppy outside, then we started our walk to the store. "Why don't you have your car?" I asked "It's in the shop, I got into an accident a few weeks ago." He explained "Walking is good exercise anyway." "Are you okay?" I asked with a bit of concern, but as soon as I asked I felt silly, because I had been talking and walking with him, he  seemed to be fine behavior wise. "I'm fine, the only bad injury I had was a fractured wrist." He said. We continued walking and  we got to the store.
"What all do we need?" Skeppy asked "I was planning on making pancakes, if that's okay with you." I replied "I don't care, whatever you want." He said a bit annoyed. "We need.. eggs, flour, milk, sugar, vanilla, and chocolate chips." I said "I have milk, eggs, and chocolate chips." He replied "So then just flour, sugar, and vanilla." I said back. He headed into the cooking section and grabbed the ingredients. "Do you need me to get anything for later? Like, for lunch, dinner, or snacks?" He asked. "I was planning on going out for lunch and making spaghetti for dinner." I replied "Do you have spaghetti ingredients?" "I doubt it."
We got back to the apartment and I got to work on the pancakes while Skeppy put the rest of the groceries away. I mixed  the batter and poured it. Skeppy was watching from the living space as I made the pancakes, I didn't mind, he probably just wanted to figure out how to do it himself.

Skeppy POV:
While Bad was making breakfast I watched him from the living space, hoping he didn't notice. Since I would get to come to his house as well I wanted to return the favor, making meals for him. Since I didn't know how to cook myself, watching Bad was the next best thing, I'm more of a visual learner anyway. A pleasant smell filled the apartment, fresh pancakes smelled good. He only made one batch, which was reasonable for only two people. As he was cleaning up I was still watching and he looked back at me. It was a bit awkward because then it seemed he knew I was watching him. He gave me a signal to come over a get some to eat, so I jumped up and got a plate.
After breakfast we decided to play some board games that I had lying around. Of course I won all of them, well Bad won one, and claimed he won all of them. We decided after board games we would do a stream together. I set up two chairs in front of the camera then we played some Minecraft challenges, and bickered a bit, but it was still loads of fun.
It was a bit cute to see Bad smiling and laughing, usually he had that filter on so I never really got to see the whole of it.
I suggested we watch a movie or two before we hit the hay, and Bad agreed as long as it wasn't scary ones. So I let him pick the movie or movies while I made popcorn and got some candy out as well. He picked a Disney movie, which I didn't really watch but I went along with it, turns out it was pretty good. After watching 3 movies we finally got tired out and we said goodnight to each other.

Sorry this one is a bit short, I just wanted to get this next part out before I start on a longer chapter. Next chapter WILL be longer, I promise!

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