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What the actual fuck just happened. Nothing and I mean nothing could have prepared me for that. I can't even describe what that was. Max was right he is a play boy and I've only heard one conversation from the guy. I can't even imagine what other things he has done or might be planning to do.

But the way he was looking at me, how his eyes consumed mine. And I waited for him to look away, but he didn't. I knew I could get lost in those green eyes so I bluntly called him out for starring. What I didn't expect was a fucking rude ass comment back. He was the one looking at me with goo goo eyes not the other way around. Why did I think differently, he is the play boy of the paddock.

Walking away with my manager I let out a massive breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

"Fuck these drivers are real dickheads when they want to be" she signed.

"Bella not all drivers now" I winked at her.

"Alright alright maybe it's just this driver and your egotistical brother who are a dickheads"

Honestly, I didn't have a problem with any of the other drivers. They always greeted me at social events, but never anything more. My father feared that the press would have a field day and it would ruin Romero's reputation. There was one incident at a charity gala. Where Max and I kept making eye contact with each other and there happened to be free wine going around as well. One thing lead to another and we both got so wine drunk and decided that it was a good idea to go hide in one of the side rooms. But Max accidentally turned and slipped, falling down the front welcoming steps and I dropped on all fours and was in a fit of laughter; with tears pouring out of my eyes. Max was fine of course, except for the fact that he was fake screaming then laughing, then went back to screaming to then go back to laughing. We were in our own bubble, just having the time of our lives, until we looked up and saw everyone in the charity gala, looking at us with wide eyes and my father has never looked so mortified in my entire life. The media went crazy with this story. All the head lines where,

'Is Romero's little sister and Rival dating?'

'Secret romance meet up between Romero's rival and his little sister'

'Romero's sister causes chaos in charity gala when throwing herself at brother's rival racer, Max Verstappen'

Just to name a few of the news headlines that went around. First off, I absolutely did not throw myself at Max. The only thing that was thrown was Max down that flight of stairs and that was his own fault.

I wasn't allowed to leave the house for 4 months, I wasn't even allowed to attend any of the GPs until the press forgot about my little incident with Max. We really didn't do anything wrong, just got a little too drunk. I mean come on now, everyone has an embarrassing drunk moment at least once in their lives. Mine just happened to be when I was 20 and Max was 23, in front of all the formula one sponsors, rich business men and... my parents. That moment was probably when I knew that if I stayed with my parents, I would never be able to live my own life.

The jet was going to be ready to board in an hour so Bella went on and gave me the run down of the trips schedule.

"So firstly, when we get to the hotel, which forgive me but is the same one as the Ferrari drivers"

I scoffed. Great just great. This won't do me any good.

"You'll do a tour of the hotel and the hotel room for the Ferrari YouTube, and they'll ask you some questions about your modelling career and I guess personal life"

Ok perfect opportunity to remind the world that I'm not just Romero's little sister.

"Ok Thursday, you'll head to the paddock, where you'll have a joint interview with Carlos and Charles and apparently it's like a speed dating show, where they practice pick up lines that have to do with formula one references..."

"Argh do I have too"

I literally slapped my face and slouched in the chair.

It's not that I have a problem doing the interview with them. It's the fact I know he will take it too far. Look I won't lie to you, he is a very attractive guy but if he wants to be all high and mighty with me then I can play the game too.

"Remember the end goal here, making a name for yourself and not being Romero's little sister. Anyway you'll have the tour of the Ferrari garage before practice 1 and then you'll just be like an average guest for the rest of the race weekend. Obviously you have the runway which, you are being escorted on the red carpet by Charles."

Bella tried to give me a sympathetic smiled.

"Fuck, Max is going to kill me"

"I don't know how you're going to do it Lucia"

"What do you mean?"

"He's fucking hot as and he's going to be walking you down the red carpet in a suit, how will you not want to jump his bones"

Is she for real right now?

I just stare at her with a disgusted look on my face.

"What you've had a some situationships recently. One more won't hurt before you look for a serious relationship. I know you haven't been committing to them because your still scared over the whole Gabriel situation"

"Bella drop it"

I semi raise my voice. God I was annoyed. Why was everyone bringing up Gabriel, I had forgotten about him, why couldn't they do that too.

"Whatever Lucia, you know I'm only saying it because it's what you have to hear. I have to go and speak with the Carlo's and Charles' managers and speak about the plan for the interview. Hopefully when I get back you can stop sulking."

Bella gets up and walks away.

I wasn't sulking. She had no idea what she was talking about. I just didn't end up liking those guys for me to get into a relationship with them.

Not that I have commitment issue or trust issues because of Gabriel.

I could be lying to myself though.

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