Chapter 13,"Feelings Change."

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The North prince took a deep breath to clear his head of any distractions,his cheeks cut with a soft pink.He wanted to focus on his reading before breakfast,and he could do no such thing with the troublemaker rummaging around in his head.

Though he managed to regain focus that moment,it would not be long before another distraction tore his attention away from his reading,and this time,it would not be his thoughts.

Another person had entered the library,unbeknownst to Shuichi.They slip past the doors without a sound,and ventured farther into the room.The North prince's mind was occupied so he didn't notice the person slowly creep up behind him as he read.Then suddenly...

"Heya,Sweetpea!!Good morning!!"

The bookworm jolted as he felt two...suspiciously small hands suddenly slam onto his shoulders from behind.He almost dropped his book.

The voice was high pitched and bright.A voice he was quite use to...and even looked forward to hearing.Shuichi whipped his head back to see the one and only Kokichi Oma,dressed to impress and ready for the day.

"S-Sir Kokichi??"

Shuichi gasped,quite startled.

"Yep,it's me.Happy to see me first thing in the morning?"

Kokichi purred,gently running his hands along Shuichi's shoulders and arms.

"U-Uhm...when did you get here..?You scared me..."

The raven haired prince blushed,closing the book in his hands out of instinct.Though his reading material was nothing to hide,he'd rather keep it to himself.

"I looked for you all over but I couldn't find you,so I assumed this is where you would be so early.I was right~."

The troublemaker beamed.
Shuichi exhaled,then replied...

"Well...good morning--"

"What are you reading??"

Before Shuichi could finish,Kokichi quickly plucked the book out of the taller prince's hands,bringing it close to his face to get a good look.

"H-Hey!You could just ask for it next time."

Shuichi scolded,shifting his position in the chair so he could get a better look at the South prince.

"Hmm..The Akamatsu History book,eh?"

Kokichi snickered.
Indeed,Shuichi was reading the history book of the Akamatsu family,Kaede's family.It had all the stories of the family,whether they were sad or funny.It covered all the marriages,the deaths,the births and the circumstances that lead to the family presently.

The book was relatively old,judging by the last record inside,which was the birth of Kaede's grandfather,who was now deceased.Shuichi wasn't looking for it specifically but it caught his attention when he found it on a wooden pedestal collecting dust.

"Learning about your fiance's past without her consent.How naughty~."

Kokichi cooed.

"Please stop it,Sir Kokichi..."

Shuichi pouted.

"Why are you so captivated by the past anyway?The past is boring~."

Kokichi cocked his head,holding the book aloft.Shuichi rolled his eyes,replying...

"One,please be careful with that,it isn't just some book.Two,the past is really interesting once you sit and think about it."

"I like the present more to be quite honest with you."

♡It Has To Be You.♡(SaiOma)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin