Chapter 4: Maid Service

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Another more muscular man came up to the sweaty woman and flipped her onto her back on the table, his hard cock slamming into the woman's pussy, making her moan loudly.

He didn't give the woman any time to breathe before he started fucking her with enough force to kill a regular woman. Naruto's senses picked up that the woman was using a reverse cursed technique to heal her body from the damage the man was inflicting on her.

Naruto looked at the woman's body; it was much younger-looking than he expected and seemed that her holes are tight, as if she were using a reverse curse technique to heal herself after all the time she been used by her clan. In this case that would explain how she was maintaining her youthful appearance.

Lemon Scene End...

The blonde Uzumaki glanced at Maki and Mai and saw that they looked stoic, with no emotion on their beautiful faces as they watched their mother being run through.

He supposed they were used to seeing this by now, so he just took their hands in his and gave them a gentle squeeze. The sisters didn't give a verbal response, but they squeezed his hand back.

"So our guest of honor has finally arrived," an old man was looked drunk said, from his appearance he must be Naobito Zenin the leader of this shitty clan.

"You are those two boyfriend. You don't look very strong for a special grade to me, especially if you choose those defects as your women." The man they first saw going at it with the sisters' mother said. He has blonde hair with green highlights; he must be Naoya, the sister's cousin.

"Disgusting! You two can't find a husband of your own, so you have to share one. You're a disgrace!" said an elderly man with black hair. Naruto suspects that the man dyes his hair to make himself look younger. He must be Mai and Maki's father, Ogi.

Naruto was tempted to just say "fuck it" and tear these bastards a new one, but Mai and Maki held his hand firmly, showing no emotions on their faces as they addressed their father.

"We can get a man of our own, but we chose to take the same man because he wishes to start his own clan and we are here to help him do so." Mai said, not feeling like being here longer than she had to be, so she got to the point why they were there. "We are here to let you know that we are marrying outside of the clan and will be taking our husband's name and joining his clan."

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you marry him, he'll have to join our clan since we're one of the three founding clans of the jujutsu society, and he is just a clanless sorcerer." Ogi exclaimed at his daughter, wishing he had killed them at birth because they always caused him trouble.

"Not really, since Naruto is a special-grade Sorcerer and he has the support of two other Special-grade Sorcerers, he would be able to start a clan with little opposition," Maki stated as she enjoyed seeing her father looking so flushed and she wished he would try something so she could get back at him for the years of abuse.

"Might makes right," Naobito Zenin said, getting a calculated look on his face for the first time since the three arrived. He couldn't say he disagreed with that logic.

"Whatever you bitches should have been neutered and passed around like your mother instead of going around spreading your legs like whores for anyone who would have defective sluts like you two," Naoya, the cousin of Mai and Maki, stated, looking at them with lust.

Naruto was seriously deciding in his head if he should just slaughter this entire clan of dicheads and become a rogue sorcerer instead of forminghis own clan, but Mai and especially Maki gripped his hands so tightly that they would have broken a normal human's hand ten times over.

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