Chapter 3: Heavenly Harem

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A/N: This story is M rated for mature content and is not suitable for children.


Chapter 3: Heavenly Harem

Tokyo Jujutsu High...

Naruto Temporary Bedroom [Night]...

Naruto watched from the sidelines as the sisters Mai and Maki bonded and talked about various things; Mai had invited Maki to stay in the blonde's room without telling him, but Naruto didn't mind since it made Mai happy to be close to her sister again.

"So, did you get a boyfriend?" Mai suddenly asked Maki, who stuttered to answer.

"What? Why do you want to know that?" Maki asked. "I have no time for romance; I have to train and become the strongest Zenin to ever live."

"Sigh... So I guess that's a no," Mai said bluntly. "You know, you're taking this whole thing about becoming the strongest Zenin way too seriously; it's like you're letting the clan control your life, to be honest."

"Look, I don't need a boyfriend; I am fine on my own," Maki answered annoyed.

"Okay, but don't come crying to me when I have a big family and you are still childless and alone," Mai said, dropping the subject.

The rest of the night the sisters talked awkwardly amongst themselves, but Naruto noticed Mai's words had hurt Maki more than she let on.

Tokyo Jujutsu [Morning]...

Baseball Field...

Naruto observed that Tokyo and Kyoto Jujutsu High were playing baseball; this was to determine which school would win the goodwill event.

The blonde had already gone to bat and hit a home run; now he was watching Todo pitch for the Sukuna's Vessel.

Naruto tuned out the rest of the game and his mind went back to the cursed spirit he captured; he had sealed it into one of his chess pieces to create a brand new cursed corpse.

Naruto's eyes went to Maki who was standing on second base; she looked almost exactly like Mai, but had longer hair and was more physically fit than Mai, which is not saying Mai isn't in shape since he has been training her, but Maki's Heavenly Restriction made her body into that of a superhuman.

Mai has been pushing him to spend more time with her sister, trying to force something between them. Naruto suspects that Mai wants Maki to stay by her side, so she wants him to add her to his harem in hopes of making that a reality.

Naruto remembered that after this game, Maki had agreed to let him help her train as he did her sister Mai, who had demanded a rematch after losing in the goodwill games; and to Maki's surprise she lost to Mai this time around, which made her more determined than ever to get stronger.

Naruto remembered the short conversation he had with Mai earlier; she had told him to not hold back and beat her sister within an inch of her life.

The blonde gave Mai a blank look; he doesn't understand what was going through his fiance's head. He would have thought she would want him to hold back and not hurt her sister too much.

"Sighing, Blondie Maki is a strong-willed girl; she wouldn't give herself to just anyone. Between you and me, Maki likes strong men. If the men in our clan weren't a bunch of dickheads, she would have no problem serving them." Mai explained.

"So you're saying by beating her up I'm going to make her become attracted to me?" Naruto asked, trying to wrap his mind around the idea.

"That is not exactly what I meant, but the point is, me and my sister have the same taste in men. I like you, so she will too; however, you will have to show her that you are not a pushover for her to open up to you," Mai said with a nod, as she had seen her sister give Naruto a few glancing look that were anything but subtle. For Mai, she knew her sister was interested in the blonde.

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