"Oh really?" I said with a laugh, "I might just do that. Just for you, hon. Now, I gotta go and help a friend of mine settle into their dorm. I'll be gone for a while, grandma is just downstairs if you'd like to be with her." I told him.

"I kinda want grandpa Zack." He replied. So I called ahead to make sure he could stay with my dad, and he did. Rowan just stayed with Mitsu, who was still living in my basement. Adam is a nut case right now, he's been missing a lot of work, and I honestly think the death of Jared is hitting him hard, and he doesn't have his wife to fall back on like he did.

Anyways, I left for Sacramento to help out Val. I'm basically just helping him maneuver his way around. Showing him some places he could hang at, etc. that's the college I went to, when I went at least. I was only there for a year until my band blew up, so I know some of the professors and the classes, I just never stayed there, so I don't know my way around the dorms that well; but I did go to some parties. On my way there, about 30 minutes away, he called me.

"This place smells gross." He said.

"Welcome to America." I replied.

"I'm just standing out here like a lost puppy, help." He told me.

"I'll be there in 30 minutes." I told him.

"Get here faster fuck face." He said. His accent is kinda cute.

"Now I'm gonna go slower just because of that." I said, he laughed and said something in Russian. He hung up shortly after and I arrived after a while. He was there in a beanie, a shirt with fully russian words on it, sunglasses, and baggy pants.

"Well hey there sexy!" He said as he approached my car.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in years." I replied.

"Well, it's been some months! Do you think you can drive me to my dorm? Apparently it's all the way on the other side and I don't feel like dragging all of my suit cases around." He asked.

"That's why I'm here! And when do we need to pick up the bigger stuff?" I asked him as I got out to help with his things.

"By 4!" He said as we lifted things into my trunk.

"Wow, we will have some time to make out in your dorm." I joked. He just laughed and got in the car at the same time I did. He smelt nice, and I honestly got kinda shy.

"So, uh, filming. Do you have any pieces or something?" I asked.

"Yes! I recorded rushing water, trees moving in the wind, green long grass on a sunny day, just some nature stuff. But I want to make movies someday." He explained.

"Wow, that does sound nice though. You better put some of my songs in your movies." I joked. We made it to his dorms, and I helped him unpack his suitcases and I grabbed a few as we made it up to his dorms.

"I'm in dorm... B 12." He told me.

"Okay, that's where all of the parties were, so B hall is over this way." I told him as I lead him to elevators. I pressed floor 3 and we went up.

"I have a roommate. I don't know anything about them." He quietly told me.

"Usually it's randomly assigned, but since you're from Russia, you might have been assigned so someone specific. Maybe someone who knows Russian, or someone who used to live there but has been here now for a while, you never know." I told him, "although I wasn't in a dorm here, I was told to stick around with this Swedish kid, so I don't know."

"Okay, that makes me feel a little better." He said with a chuckle. We got into B hall, and his dorm was just a few doors down.

"Okay, this is it!" I told him. He opened the door, and as expected, someone else was in there. His roommate! He kinda just looked at Val and then looked away, pointing at his bed on the other side of the room. Val looked at me and shrugged.

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