Easy Love

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      Today, Junji was humming something familiar. It was an easy, nice tune that was kind of repetitive, but changed to a different tune for a few and then went back.

"Hey, what's that you're humming?" I asked.

"I don't know, I think it's something dad used to sing to me." He told me.

"Oh, hmmm..." I thought hard. Junji started saying easy a lot.

"It went like...easy mmmm." He tried to make out the words.

"I know what you're talking about! It's the lullaby he sang to you. He called it Easy Love." I told him.

"Do you remember the words?" He asked me.

"I do. I have a video of him singing it to you when you were younger." I said. He begged for me to turn it on. So I did. He cried the second he heard his voice, I honestly, I did too.

"Easy living, easy hold
Easy teething, easy fold
Easy listening, easy love
Easy answers to easy questions
Easy tumble, easy doll
Easy rumble, easy fall
I get up on easy love
I get up on easy questions." Jared would quietly sing.

"That's it." He cried. He hugged me tightly and cried more.

"I'm sorry hun." I quietly told him as I rubbed his back.

"Is that lullaby just for me?" He asked me.

"He sang it to you mainly, but I think he did sing it once or twice to Rowan. So, it's both of yours, but you have a deeper connection with it." I told him. He just smiled and hugged me tighter.

"Did he sing anything to Elle?" He asked.

"He did. It's a song by an artist named Mitski. Don't quite remember the songs name though." I replied.

"I miss him so much. I wish he could sing it to me one last time." He told me.

"When was the last time he sang to you?" I asked.

"Um...in the hospital. A few days before he died..." he quietly told me.

"He loved you so much, Jun." I told him as I pulling him in for a tighter hug, kissing the top of his head.

"I wish I told him how much I loved him before he died." He cried.

"He knew. He knew how much you love him." I said.

"No one told me that was going to be the last time I was gonna see him..." He cried.

"Junji, we love you. We didn't want you upset and heart broken while spending time with your dad. He wanted you to be happy and joyful, he couldn't bare to see you sad. I hope you can forgive me for making that choice... but you did know that he wasn't going to make it, right?" I asked.

"Yeah...I did. I remember you telling me." He replied, wiping tears away.

"Tell me about what you two did when you were with him last." I asked as I held him close.

"W-well... we hugged and kissed me a lot. I was wondering why, and he told me how much he loved me as I just sat there and laughed. I didn't even say it back. I didn't tell him I loved him before he...before he died." He cried harder.

"Hon, he loved you and he knew how much you loved him, don't worry! I showed him all of the cards you made him and the drawings, all the crafts, everything. He knew you loved him, I promise you." I replied, beginning to cry with Junji.

"Want to know what I think you should do?" He asked me as he sniffled, "you should make it into a song. Like, put stuff in the background. Like your cool guitars and stuff!" He asked.

DahliaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora