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I heard an unfamiliar voice speaking in the room. It was Kaz's however, that caused me to flash my eyes open. A medik was kneeling in front of me, two fingers to my pulse. I attempted to swat his hands away and realized my hands were bound. "Get off of me now." I said in a dangerous voice, sending the medik a glare that had him flinching backwards.

"Much like Mister Brekker I see." Said the man in front of me. He nodded to the medik who stood up.

"I will arrange your payment." The man told the medik. the medik practically ran out the door after nodding. I looked to the side and saw Kaz shackled to a chair beside me. I glanced at the pin on the mercher's tie. A ruby, so it was Jan Van Erk who had kidnapped us. Funny to think that this man was a mercher and he could only afford to bound Kaz in shackles. I glanced at Kaz and looked at his shackles, slowly heating my hands with Inferni fire. I noticed his hands start to crawl up the shackles. I Fabrikated two lock picks and put them in his hands while listening to Jan Van Erk. he was going on about robbers and setting the world to rights and finding men 'honest work.'  Kaz had gotten out of the chains and leapt from his seat with me close on his heels. Kaz grabbed a letter opener that was sitting on the desk and put it to Jan Van Erk's neck. 

"Careful Brekker you'll be full of holes before I hit the ground." Jan Van Erk said. 

"And your guard's will be dead by that time." I said making his heart race.


We walked down the busy streets of Ketterdam, Kaz slipping his gloved hand in mine. I was secretly thankful for the gesture. It helped me keep my thoughts from over whelming me. I shivered as Mikka and all the soldiers in the gardens came to mind. 

"You okay?" Kaz asked me, squeezing my hand a little tighter as we stepped into the slat. Instantly we were surrounded by people cheering about the victory and asking Kaz how he knew Big Bol was a traitor. Anika and Pim were talking about how their weapons had Geel's name on them and I tugged Kaz's sleeve gently. I was still feeling light headed from the blood loss and the drug. 

"Shouldn't you two be in the crow club?" Kaz asked. They ran out the door. I smirked slightly before feeling the pressure of Kaz's hand release from my own.

"Wait in our room. I need to talk to the old man." I nodded while internally sighing. I knew Kaz hated having Per Haskel hold his leash, but I also knew that Kaz didn't intend to stay that way for long. I walked up the stairs to his room, spotting Inej on the second floor landing.

"Inej." I called, taking her attention off the crowd and onto me. I felt the same surge of anger I  always felt when I saw her. "I- I think it's time we talked." I simply stated. She nodded and began up the stairs to her room. When she had first arrived in the Dregs all the rooms in the slat had been taken, so Kaz had asked me to give her my room in exchange for being able to sleep in his. Inej opened the door to her room and allowed me to step inside.

"Why are you always so mad at me Rose? I cried for weeks when you were taken. I kept praying to the Saints that you were safe. I come here and now you want nothing to do with me." Inej seethed, her anger finally letting lose.

"I was never mad at you." I said slightly raising my voice. 

"Than who?" Inej asked her voice raising as well.

"At our parents and myself!"I was shouting now but I couldn't help it. She still had no idea. I continued on.

"I was taken so that you would never be. I was taken to protect you. It was a choice between me or you Inej! And now I'm finding out that our parents couldn't even protect you even after they practically sold me off!" I shouted at her.

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