Chapter 1

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The village was quiet and peaceful, being luminated by the bright sun. The light shined into Ravenna’s little house, causing the dark room to light up. Ravenna groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes. Geez, is it morning already? She thought to herself as she yawned.
Scratching her head, she got out of bed and looked out the window. In the reflection, she saw how much of a mess her hair was, causing her to chuckle. “Heh. I bet I can scare Steve with this hair.” she shook her head, and fixed her hair back to normal. “I won’t torture him too much today. I’ll be nice.”
She grabbed some bread and began making her way over to Steve’s house, which was right across from her house. Without even knocking, she walked into the house, and over to Steve’s bed, where Steve was soundly asleep. Ravenna smirked and poked Steve in the shoulder. “Yo, Steve.”
Steve didn’t move. Ravenna didn’t give up, however. “Steve. Steeeeeve. Stev. Stevie. Steven.” She repeatedly poked Steve while calling him all sorts of nicknames. However, he still wouldn’t wake up. The only response he made was a loud groan, and he faced away from Ravenna.

Ravenna sighed and leaned against the bed, thinking about a way to wake him up. Then, she smirked. She stood up and sighed. “Well, since you’re not waking up, I guess that means I can just.. Take your mining supplies and go mining all by myself, dad.” She said in a teasing tone. Hearing that made Steve’s eyes widen, and immediately sit up in his bed.
“Alright, Alright, I’m up!!” He blushed when Ravenna referred to him as “Dad.” Ravenna laughed once she saw his facial expression. “Relax, pal! I was just joking. I’m not actually going to take your mining supplies.” She paused, “Or are you freaking out because I called you dad?” she asked in a teasing tone.
Steve’s blush intensified. “I… Well.. It doesn’t matter!” He sighed and calmed down. “Anyway, why did you wake me up this early?? You know very well that I like sleeping in.”
Ravenna shrugged. “Didn’t want to be lonely. Also, I felt like torturing you.” She replied before doing a fake evil laugh. Steve groaned and stood up. “Alright, fine. I’ll stay awake for today. But tomorrow, I’m sleeping in, got it?”
Ravenna nodded. “Yup. Got it. Anyway, let’s go.” She took Steve’s hand and walked outside. Steve realized he shouldn’t be so grumpy, especially to a young girl who needs him more than anything.

Recently, however, weird things have been happening. Steve sighed and placed a hand on Ravenna’s shoulder once they got outside. “Raven, uh.. Look. I need to tell you something. The reason why I’ve been sleeping in, is because I’ve been having weird dreams…”
Ravenna stopped, and glanced up at Steve. “Weird dreams?” She asked, becoming confused, and a bit concerned. “Yeah.. They aren’t too bad, but they’re just… I dunno. A bit unsettling.” Steve explained, rubbing the back of his neck.
Ravenna nodded and crossed her arms, thinking. She leaned against a nearby fence, which surrounded a small group of cows. “How so? What happened in the dream, if you don’t mind me asking?” she then asked.
Steve sighed, as he didn’t really want to talk about it. But, he might as well. “Well, I’m standing in the middle of the plains biome. It’s quiet, too quiet. And, there’s not a single animal nearby. What’s weirder is that there’s fog everywhere, and the trees have no leaves or anything else. They’re just.. Bare.” He explains, with every word he says his tone gets more eerie.
Ravenna’s eyes widened as she heard his dreams. “Geez.. Those must be creepy. How long have they been happening?” She asked. Steve shrugged. “Not too long. This is the third time they’ve happened.”

Ravenna nodded and thought for a moment. Could Steve’s dreams actually mean something? Because usually that’s the explanation for these types of things. Or could it all be a coincidence? She began thinking to herself. It was very weird that Steve has been having these dreams. However, Ravenna didn’t want to worry too much about it.
“Aw, I'm sure it’ll be fine, Steve. It may go away tomorrow or something. We just have to stay positive about it.” She playfully nudged Steve, who chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right. Anyway, how about we take a walk to get our mind off of this? It is a beautiful day afterall.” Steve then suggested.
Ravenna nodded. “Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.” She smiled before walking off, with Steve following behind. The village was a great place to live, and Ravenna loved it very much. Sometimes she wished her sisters were here to see this place, as they never got to see a village before.
It was pretty chill most of the time. The villagers weren’t very talkative, but were still really friendly and liked to trade with travelers, and sometimes even Steve and Ravenna whenever they returned from a mining trip. As for the village itself, it was pretty small, with just a few houses, enough for each resident of the village.

The village is located in the middle of the plains biome, which is the most common place a village can be spawned. It’s a great place to live, because animals pass through it, there’s a good amount of resources, and it’s not too hot, nor too cold.
Ravenna took a deep breath of the fresh air, and sighed with contentment. When she and Steve left the village, the two began walking further into the plains biome. “This was a good idea, Steve. This way, we can get our minds off of the whole ‘creepy dream’ thing.” Ravenna then said to Steve, looking up at him. Steve nodded in agreement and shifted his arms behind his head. “Yes it was, kid. I agree.”
Ravenna giggled a bit. The duo continued to stroll through the Plains biome, talking, teasing, and laughing with each other. Suddenly, Ravenna had a thought. “Hey Steve, have you ever had a girlfriend?” she asked, giving Steve a little smirk. Steve suddenly froze, and his face turned a bit red.
“I.. Uhh.. Heh, No. I have never had a girlfriend before.” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Why do you ask?”
Ravenna shrugged her shoulders. “Just curious.” She then paused. “You’ve never had a girlfriend before?? Wow. I’m shocked. Aren’t you like.. 30?”
“Uh- Let’s try 24..”

“Heh. Whatever.” She chuckled, as she teased him. Then she gave him another curious look. “Well, have you at least had any crushes?”
Steve blushed some more, and he looked away. “Heh, No. I.. I have never had any crushes before.” he replied. Ravenna didn’t believe him, and she only smirked more. She nudged him in the shoulder. “Aww, come on, Stevie, you must’ve had some crushes when you were younger! You can tell me. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
Steve only chuckled some more. “No, I’m telling you, I never crushed on anyone. There were several people crushing on me when I was your age, but I never actually dated anyone.” he continued to explain. But Ravenna still didn’t believe him. “Oh, you’re such a liar- Agh!”
Suddenly, Ravenna tripped over something, and fell flat on her face. Steve stopped walking and looked back at Ravenna, wincing before helping her up. “You okay, Raven?”
Ravenna nodded and stood up with the help of Steve. “Yeah, I’m fine.” as she stood up, she stumbled a little bit in pain, due to her leg. Even though Steve gave her a potion to heal her leg, it was still slightly damaged due to the bone healing incorrectly. As a result, Ravenna can still feel some pain. It doesn’t happen all the time, thankfully.

Steve sighed with relief. “Good. Now, what tripped you?” He then asked. Ravenna shrugged and then looked down. She then tilted her head once she saw the thing that tripped her. “What the Nether?” She knelt down and picked up a book titled, “Null.”
“Steve, do you know what Null is?” she then asked, looking up at Steve. Steve took the book and examined it, but shook his head. “No, I don’t. Where did this book come from?”
“I dunno.. But, I got a bad feeling about this.. Let’s take it back to the village.”
Steve nodded, and he put the book in his inventory for safekeeping before heading back to the village. Ravenna looked around nervously. I hope it’s nothing bad.. She thought before following Steve.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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