2. ᴅᴇᴄᴇᴘᴛɪᴠᴇ ꜱʜᴇɴᴀɴɪɢᴀɴꜱ

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐣𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐬 (ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴘᴏᴠ)

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐣𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐬 (ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴘᴏᴠ)

"Why are you always working? How much money do you want? Give it a rest, Ghechu," said Aarav as he entered Arhaan's room. His older brother, Armaan's Haldi ceremony was already over. The music was so loud that it felt like it was hitting inside his brain.

"Bhai, please stop calling me that," Arhaan looked annoyed and then went to his laptop, and started to type.

Your name is Ghechu, blame Mom and Dad for that masterpiece! What can I do? Go ahead, file a complaint with them; they're the ones who gifted you the name," Arhaan chuckled. It was crystal clear to Arhaan that Aarnav had no other work today, so naturally, he decided to invest his time in annoying his little brother. Apparently, Pestering siblings is a lucrative career option now.

"Your name is Pappu too? Well, it's like our parents were aiming for a theme here. I don't see Bhaiya calling you that," Arhaan teased with a smirk, thinking he had delivered a solid roast. Little did he know that in high school, Aarnav was crowned the undisputed class clown. High schoolers can be brutal; they spare no one. From that day itself, Aarnav's self-respect was sent on a permanent vacation

Stop fighting like dogs. Give it a rest," Armaan said as he entered Arhaan's room with an irritated face. All the teasing and loud music were getting on his nerves. It's not like he was about to marry the love of his life, where laughter and giggles would be in order. Don't get him wrong; he's not dating anyone, But he didn't want to get married to a total stranger

"You keep quiet, Lambu. I'm giving him a good suggestion. He's always working. He's in his mid-twenties. He should go out and have fun, but no. Always working, and for what? To get over an incident that happened years ago," Aarnav hesitated a bit while saying the last part. The last thing he wanted was to get yelled at, especially by his younger brother.

"I don't work because of that," Arhaan cleared his throat.

"Doesn't matter. It's not like you were heartbroken because of a girl. No, this just does not make sense. You're wasting your youth away," Arnav said, his tone serious. Armaan stayed quiet, watching his two brothers go back and forth. He wanted to agree with Aarnav, but how could he? His own life was not in his control.

"Bhai, this ain't a movie. I work because I like it," Arhaan looked up at Aarnav tiredly. His face clearly stated in bold letters, 'Please leave my room, and no, you're not getting a cinematic exit.'

Ai tu jayada bhok maat. Tujhe nahi pata mujhe pata hai ghechu. But like, sometimes I'm just there, thinking," Aarnav paused for dramatic effect, "How even are we brothers?"

Armaan, mid-sip, unintentionally spat the water out listening to his brother's words.

Aarnav shot Armaan an annoyed look as he interrupted his monologue but continued nonetheless, "Look at me, all funny and intelligent. And look at you guys, chii yaar. Your face," he pointed dramatically at Armaan, "is like a tranquilizer. I take one look, and I'm in immediate nap-mode. And you," he pointed at Arhaan, "your face is the official sponsor of insomnia. I mean, seriously, guys, consider a face-lift"

"Wait a hot second, why are you guys raiding my room? You both have your own rooms," Arhaan questioned, rolling his eyes at Aarnav's theatrics.

"My room has been seized because guests are in the house. We need rooms. What's the use of being 'rich' when guests are treating my room like a 5-star hotel suite?" Aarnav complained, dramatically gesturing towards the injustice as if his room were the last slice of pizza at a party.

"Bhaiya, what about your room?" Arhaan asked, convinced that nobody would dare hijack the groom's room.

My room is obviously empty.Armaan let out a deep sigh. The room was not going to be empty for long. Today is his wedding day, and this was about to change his life forever.


"Rajath, something doesn't feel right," Mrs. Anupriya Rajvanshi looked at her husband with concern.

Rajath Rajvanshi cast a loving gaze upon his wife, his eyes adorned with affection. He gently furrowed his brows, his smile hinting at a playful mystery, and shook his head with a tender smile.

He stood up from the edge of his bed and walked towards her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Why, dear? Our son is about to get married. It's a joyous day for him."

"I don't know, Rajath. It just feels weird, you know? I sense that something bad is going to happen," Anupriya said, a sad smile taking over her face. Call it her mother instinct, but after all, she loved her sons more than anything.

Armaan had always been a shy and timid person. He never harmed anyone, nor did he ever think of hurting anyone. Anupriya felt like Armaan needed her protection more than her other sons, but that doesn't mean she loves them any less.

She gently freed herself from her husband's embrace and faced him. Her eyes held nothing but endless love and respect, yet Rajath could see a hint of worry in her gaze.

"Nothing will happen to him, Priya," Rajath assured her with a smile, recognizing a glint of worry in her eyes despite the love and respect they shared.

"Rajath, I have never asked you for anything, but please promise me today, our children won't have to suffer like we did," a lone tear escaped from her eyes as she remembered their past struggles.

"No, love, I wouldn't let them. As long as I am alive, not a single scratch will touch them," Rajath vowed, holding her even closer, determined to shield their children from the hardships they had faced.


So, guys, what do you think?

Who is your favorite Rajvanshi brother?

Do let me know! Stay happy and blessed.

LOVE YOU, Byeeeeeeee


The Intolerable Rajvanshis [On Hold]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ