But, Jeongguk just stood there, waiting for whatever interview they were about to go through.

"I won't drag it long. You all are here for the bodyguard job and let me tell you, this won't be easy. Definitely not. So are you ready?" Chang Wook looked at everyone as he said that.


"We are."

Reply came in enthusiastic way and Jeongguk was silent all the time.

"So, the interview won't be oral as it's not a job for a company employee. It rather will be practical. A competition of fight." Chang Wook paused and observed the people's reaction.

The people raised their eyebrows, was not expecting that. But then, they nodded their heads.

"Actually, many people applied for this job but I rejected most of them because they applied without any skill, just for money. And some just wanted to see the Kim mansion. So, among the people, I selected only 12 people whom I found eligible. But, as we need only 2 bodyguards, I decided to arrange a competition among you 12." Chang Wook said and then looked at the 4 servants who just arrived with some rope and wooden stick.

The servants understood his signal and started their work. They hammered down the 4 wooden sticks into the ground at some distant. Then they tied the long rope around the 4 sticks, making a shape of a square.

"The fighting arena." Chang Wook lifted his hand towards the square and the people nodded their heads slowly as they looked at the spot.

"Each of you will fight with your single opponent. There will be total 6 matches. Then the winners will have to fight another round. The last rule, I won't tell you right now. Everyone ready?" Chang Wook said and everyone looked at each other, then nodded their heads with a 'yes'.

"Good, all the best." Chang Wook said and then sat down on the sofa.

He motioned with his hand and a servant neared the 12 candidates with a bowl with his hands. He lifted the bowl in front of them and asked them to grab a card from inside the bowl. The men took out some cards one by one and Jeongguk took out the last card from the bowl.

"Everyone has a serial number on their cards. There are two cards of each serial number." Chang Wook said and the men looked at their cards.

"The ones who have the card with serial number 1, can show it now." Chang Wook said and two men lifted their hands with their cards.

"Your fight will start now. Get ready." Chang Wook said and the two men looked at each other with sharp eyes.

The other men stepped away a bit and were about to sit on the grass filled ground, but Chang Wook stopped them, then signaled his servants. The servants soon brought out some chairs and placed them in a row. Chang Wook asked the candidates to sit in the chairs and they thanked him before sitting down.

Soon, the fight began and just like that, Jeongguk's turn came in the end. It did not take time for him to tackle his opponent down in a few seconds. The other candidates were surprised to see his fast move and unique way of tackling his opponent down. The first round ended and 6 people were declared as winner.

The other 6 became disappointed that they did not win and lost the opportunity to work for the Kims. Chang Wook thanked them for coming and handed each of them some nicely wrapped boxes as a gift. They became happy and thanked Chang Wook over and over, then walked away from there, biding farewell.

Chang Wook congratulated the winners and asked them to take a small break as he distributed some energy drink among the winners. But, Jeongguk rejected any energy drink or water, just sat there looking around, waiting for the break to be over.

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