Wild Night

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Meanwhile, in the game room at the mansion, Lorenzo and Giuliano grilled Luca, who'd been waiting, in vain, for an apology that, at this point wasn't going to come. After two weeks, his outrage had dissolved into disbelief, sadness, and finally depression.

A lump across the couch, eyes on the ornate ceiling, Re considered how, while everyone else stupidly had assumed the best about him out of interest, somehow Margherita had assumed the worst for no damned reason but her own fears. That hadn't meant she saw him, at all. Or did she? Was Luca truly a violent monster?

Giuliano and Lorenzo were fighting each other on the gaming console, backs against the couch Luca had colonized like mold.

Giuliano kicked Lorenzo's character in the face. "Re, swallow your pride. She's not coming, and you're not getting over her. Go talk to her."

"Never." If she didn't see the real Re, what was the point?

Lorenzo, his character dead, tossed the controller aside. "Can I ask her out, then?" Not like he needed permission, but pushing Re's buttons was too much fun.

"I'll kill you," Re growled. He somehow segued into, "She didn't trust me at all, like I'm some kind of monster."

Margherita walked into the lounge, unannounced.

Giuliano, who'd turned to face Re, on the couch, saw her. Amused, he asked Re, "So you wouldn't want to see Margherita? Even if she came here?"

Luca shook his head once. Giuliano nodded toward the door, giving their guest away.

Luca snapped his head up. "What happened to announcing guests?"

Margherita glared at him, hurt, or maybe it was just her natural expression these days. "I, um, told Riccardo it was not necessary."

"Who's Riccardo?" Asked Lorenzo.

"The butler," she answered, surprised they didn't know.

No one called the butler by name, apparently except Margherita.

"Hey," Luca blurted, startled and clearly happy to see her.

Margherita looked to the floor, uncharacteristically demure. "I didn't know you were so angry with me." Luca's lips parted in surprise. Pause. "I'll just go." She turned around but he jumped up and over the couch's back to stop her. "Wait! Going where?"

Giuliano held back mirth and nudged Lollo, who was much less entertained.

Re said, "I mean, since you're here tell me why you came, right?"

She mustered the courage to look up at him. Re was so close and yet he seemed unreachable. She'd missed him so much. "Re, I'm really sorry about the way I reacted. I should have trusted you. Sergio is a dick."

She returned her eyes to the floor, missing Luca's bewilderment in technicolor. She couldn't stand groveling, but she'd messed up.

Meanwhile, Giuliano was having the time of his life.

Re asked, tension mounting, "Wait, what did he do, now?"

"Nothing. Chiara wanted to dump him, and we overheard that he'd been cheating on her...that he, um, wanted you to go out with him to get laid." Then she mumbled, "I, um...may have also beat him up."

Giuliano cracked up. "You what?!" He leaned into Lollo. "Un-fucking-believebale! These two are soulmates. The king's never wrong." Lollo was less amused.

" Lollo was less amused

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