Normally, I'm the Player, not the Played

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Sergio went down hard. 

Re crouched and grabbed his collar, shaking him and growling unintelligible threats

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Re crouched and grabbed his collar, shaking him and growling unintelligible threats. The people that had been in line at the chocolate stand parted around them. Police were abundant in Piazza Duomo, and it wouldn't take long for someone to take notice. Public fights, unlike PDAs, are not common in downtown Milan.

Margherita's worst nightmare was unfolding right in front of her own eyes—well, maybe in the worst one she was at the receiving end of Re's unbridled rage, but still.

"Re!" She screamed, appalled.

Luca stopped at Margherita's voice and let Sergio go. Margherita's betrayed gaze pierced right through his heart. He straightened up, still glaring at the guy on the ground.

Chiara ran to them. "What happened?!"

Sergio scrambled away from Re. "This guy's crazy! He punched me out of nowhere. We were just talking—"

"I'm so sorry!" Margherita blurted, alarmed.

"Yea, no shit!" Sergio stood up, massaging his face. His split lip was bleeding. "What an asshole."

Re's fury simmered just below the surface. Outraged, he turned to Margherita. "Why are you apologizing for me?"

She pulled him away from the crowd; the last thing Re needed was someone recognizing him or posting about the incident. Fortunately with a beanie and a scarf, most of his face was hidden.

Margherita was exasperated. "Because no matter what happens, punching people is never an option! Can't you see that?"

"You won't even ask me what happened?"

"Re, I saw what happened. Like I saw you punching the wall by my face in frustration, or Lorenzo. It's not okay!"

Re took one step back. "I scare you."

"Yes! You terrify me! This date might have been way beneath you, at least you tried, but why punching Sergio in the face? You barely know him!"

Re sulked. Some things were better left unsaid.

Margherita was in tatters. She wanted to believe in Re so badly, but she'd seen this coming from kilometers away.

She mumbled, dejected, "Can you at least apologize to him?"

"No way." Re was cold, unaffected.

"Well, if that's all you've got to say, we're over; whatever this was, it's over."

Margherita was emotional, and Re could now see why she'd been holding back so much; because in her eyes he was a fucking monster.

This was the third time she'd broken his heart, but for once, anger mitigated the pain. He turned around and stormed away.

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