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A/N: tw: smut. For reference, the paragraph that contains smut will be marked with a '*'


After leaving their wedding reception, the couple traveled in a carriage packed with three weeks' worth of clothes and possessions that they needed and made their way to a location unknown to Lucy. The carriage ride was quiet, she did not want to speak to him at that moment after what she had overheard at the wedding. To preserve any semblance of joy that they could look back on concerning their wedding day, she did not say anything and instead feigned sleepiness, and Benedict was none the wiser. He allowed her silence and time to 'sleep' peacefully on their carriage ride, blissfully unaware that anything was wrong with her. It was something that she decided could wait for another day. When they arrived at their honeymoon destination, Lucy pretended to wake up.

"We're here, Luce," Benedict spoke softly and reached for her hand. Lucy grabbed it somewhat reluctantly, but if Benedict noticed her hesitation, he did not mention it. he led her down the step of the carriage and then faced the little dwelling in front of them.

"My cottage," he said proudly. His wording struck her as odd, which must have been evident on her face because he chuckled and further explained himself.

"That's what the place is called – My Cottage – I never changed the owner's initial name for it,"

"I see. It is rather large for a cottage, don't you think," Lucy responded, trying to make polite conversation and ignore the ghost of Benedict's voice echoing his admission in her head.

"Also an interesting wording choice made by the previous owner. Though by his standards, this was definitely a cottage. His primary residence is much larger than both our houses in London combined," He laughed. The front door rattled open and an older-looking couple appeared from inside the dimly candlelit cottage.

"Mr. Bridgerton, how wonderful to see you again, welcome back," the man said.

"And congratulations are in order, I believe," the woman said. Benedict smiled his famous toothy smile and greeted them warmly.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree. If I may introduce you to my wife, Lady Lucy Blackthorne," he motioned towards his wife, who shot a shy smile to the older couple. The woman offered a small curtsy, and the man a small bow of the head.

"Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree have kindly prepared the cottage for our honeymoon – they are the caretakers of the cottage, in my absence and presence," Benedict added.

"A pleasure to meet you," Lucy responded.

After formalities were attended to, the group retreated into the house. Lucy was immediately hit with the endearing scent of raspberry and cooked bread. Mrs. Crabtree explained that she had prepared a snack for the two of them to eat before they retired, in case they had gotten hungry on their journey. It was kind and thoughtful, so Lucy thought it would only be decent to indulge the woman even though there was no room in her stomach for any food. Not after spending the evening eating, and most certainly not after overhearing her husband and Colin. She had to admit, though, it was a delicious pastry. The couple were then shown to their room by Mrs. Crabtree, who insisted on doing so, and the couple were left standing in a cozy bedroom alone.

"There is another bedroom," Benedict began but was cut off by his wife.

"No, there is no harm in sharing a bed. Mrs. Crabtree made the room pleasant for us on our wedding night, so we ought to stay in here," Lucy spoke firmly. Benedict simply nodded in agreement, appearing to be faintly taken aback by his wife's intonation, and sat down on a cushioned chair in the room. Lucy was well aware that the usual sweet tone of voice she spoke in was gone, but she did not care to wear a mask for much longer that night. She began removing her clothes one by one, and set them along with her jewelry carefully on a table, not caring that Benedict had a perfect view of her from his spot.

The Muse // Benedict BridgertonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum