Gretna Green

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A/N: a longer chapter in celebration of 10k  heheh, hope you enjoy!

After a long night's rest, Lucy and Eleanor were up bright and early to prepare for the evening's upcoming ball. The morning began with the Blackthornes gathering in their informal dining room, filling their bellies with the delicious fruits and pastries they usually had for breakfast. Eleanor and their mother seemed chirpy as usual, their father grumpy as usual, however Henry was not himself. It seemed as though his body was present but his mind was not- there was a distant look in his eye and he jumped slightly whenever someone called his name and asked him something.

"Are you alright, brother?" Lucy asked, concerned. She hoped he wasn't having second thoughts about her potential marriage to Benedict.

"What? Oh, er- yes, yes I'm fine. Just have some business to attend to today, is all," he responded. The look in his eye was still distant and his tone of voice dismissive. Lucy decided she wouldn't press him on the matter, since they were not alone. If the matter did have anything to do with Benedict then was not the time to discuss it.

"What are your plans for the day, dears, before the ball tonight?" their mother spoke up. Her face was full of cheer, yet Lucy could tell that it was a mask. Over merely a year, she had aged due to her illness- her eyes were wrinkled and had dark shadows underneath, and her frame was thin and frail. Their mother was constantly in pain, Lucy knew that much, but she hid it well. Margaret was never one to complain about her own ailments, and instead focused on her family.

"We thought we could go to the park with Eloise and Pen, Mother," Lucy replied with a smile.

"Yes, that sounds like a good plan. Get some fresh air before being stuck inside all night long," their mother responded. At that moment, the butler made an appearance in the dining room, looking frantic and sounding out of breath.

"The Prince is here, to see the Duke of Suffolk," He breathed. Everyone's breathing hitched, the room was so quiet one could hear a pin drop. Eleanor and Lucy looked at each other, wide-eyed, and their parents did the same. Even Henry was snapped out of his daydream. After a beat of silence and shock, their father finally spoke up.

"Well show me to him, then," the table moved as their father knocked it on his way up out of his seat, and the sound of metal clanging from the rest of them setting their utensils down broke the silent air. The house in the heart of London was no longer the calm house of a Duke and his young family, but a chaotic one. Everyone immediately knew what to do- Henry and their parents made their way to the drawing room where the prince was politely waiting, and Lucy along with her younger sister made their way to Eleanor's dressing room. The youngest sibling was not dressed to be in the company of a prince, and that matter needed to be fixed swiftly- especially since the meaning of his visit was probably pertaining to her. Lucy eagerly helped her sister out of the lilac dress she was wearing and into a more elegant one with golden details. Eleanor's Lady's maid helped fix her facial appearance along with her hair. The whole ordeal only took about four minutes, which was most definitely record timing. The two girls walked down the staircase and towards the drawing room that was filled with joyful chatter coming from their family and the prince. Eleanor took a deep breath before stepping through the door frame.

"Ah, speaking of my daughter, here she is, Your Grace," their father said, more cheerful than she had ever seen him. He motioned towards Eleanor to come forward, and Lucy followed. The two girls dipped into a bow in unison, and Eleanor offered a sweet smile to the prince which he returned. He was an interesting human being- his long dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and slightly lopsided smile were intriguing. His persona appeared dark, a gothic type- and regal yet humble.

"My lady, how wonderful it is to see you once more," he said, smiling. Eleanor's cheeks bloomed a light rose shade. All eyes and ears were on her.

"Thank you, Your Grace. It is lovely of you to pay a visit on this morning, I hope your travel has not been strenuous" she responded meekly.

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