Wine, Bedsheets and a Knife

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A/N: Hii everyone, so sorry for the late update but the past few weeks have been hectic but merry christmas to those that celebrate(d) and happy new year! <3Just a little trigger warning: there is some blood mentioned in this chapter and self h*rm.

Lucy's first carriage ride as a married woman was to a nearby inn, where she was to spend as much time as she could with her new husband to avoid any question regarding whether they had consummated the union. It was a short ride, filled with stolen glances and grins. It was funny in a way- Lucy finally felt like she was being courted, yet she was already technically married. She supposed the constant cloud of dread looming over her head over the past few weeks had vanished, which was why she finally could allow herself to be courted. There were no constraints anymore, and she could get to know Benedict in every way without fear or nervousness of her father getting angry. Without the threat of being married off to someone she barely knew, let alone loved. She no longer had to worry about the vile James Bancroft- a weight was truly lifted off of her shoulders. The only obstacle that was left to overcome would be facing her father after what she had done, which was not something she was looking forward to. The thought kept her spirits high, she reminded herself, was that she would have the support of everyone else she loved. The carriage came to a halt at the inn, and Benedict's loose grip on Lucy's hand tightened affectionately before letting go.

"We're here," he spoke, as he exited the carriage first in order to aid his new bride down the step. He outstretched his hand, which was holding on to Lucy's just moments before, and she graciously accepted it with a bashful smile. She stepped onto the muddy ground and walked hand in hand alongside Benedict through the front door of the establishment, and caught a glimpse of Colin and Henry speaking to the innkeeper. The three of them appeared deep in conversation, and then Henry dropped a bag filled with what was presumably a sizeable amount of money in front of the rugged-looking man. The three of them then smiled and nodded at each other, as though they were all old friends. Money had substantial power, it seemed. Benedict guided Lucy to the two boys, who turned around when they heard footsteps and the rustle of clothing approaching.

"Ah, perfect timing- our rooms are ready-" Henry began.

"And we've ensured that not a word will be said if your father comes looking for you," Colin added, his white teeth and tanned skin glimmering in the candlelight. He had just returned from one of his trips to central Europe, so he had that European glow about him.

"Thank you, both of you. Well, all three of you, I suppose," Lucy said with a sheepish grin.

"You've saved me from a lifetime of misery, I don't know how I will ever make it up to you," She added.

"Nonsense, you're my sister," Henry responded.

"And mine too, now," Colin added, chuckling.

"We are officially family, it seems. It has been a long time coming, although I never thought it would be the two of us joining our families," Benedict beamed.

"Yes, we all knew how obsessed Henry was with-" a cough cut off Colin from Henry, who attempted to cover up whatever Colin was about to say- that was something Lucy definitely had to ask Henry about sometime in the future.

"I think it's time to retire, I'm exhausted and I'm sure Lucy is as well after today's events," Henry interrupted. Lucy nodded in agreement, as did Benedict and Colin, though they had somewhat patronizing smirks on their faces. Judging by the redness that appeared on Henry's cheeks, Lucy thought it would be best to make a swift exit and nudged her new husband in the arm. He glanced at her and relented, leading the way up the stairs and to their room after the two of them said their goodnights to Colin and Henry. The inn was not as bad as she thought it would be when she judged it from the outside. The dark wooden paneling was warm and inviting, as was the smell of cinnamon and firewood that mixed with the scent of whiskey in the air. It almost reminded her of Christmas, if only the air was as crisp and cold as it was during that time of the year. Lucy stepped through the threshold of the room's door, taking in the atmosphere- it was equally as cozy as the rest of the place. The bed was draped in a dark green shade that matched the curtains and carpet, and there was a selection of wines on a table for the two of them to indulge in. Benedict walked into the room, already comfortable, while Lucy lingered in place unsure of what to do next. He turned around and looked at her, and seemingly picked up on her uncertainty.

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