Chapter 1

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"Enough procrastinating, Samantha Williams! Time to rise and shine before the school bell chimes! This semester is your chance to shine, so let's make it count!" Samantha groaned, torn between the allure of sleep and the reality of her responsibilities. With a determined sigh, she resolved to make this semester count, ready to embark on her junior year journey with renewed determination.

With a groan, I reluctantly peeled myself from the warmth of my bed and shuffled over to my closet, contemplating the day's outfit. After completing my usual morning routine and freshening up, I made my way downstairs to greet my parents and grab some breakfast. "So, are you excited for your first day of school?" my mom chirped cheerfully. Suppressing a yawn, I nodded in response. "Yes! I'm meeting Dylan and Chris later for lunch too, and they'll drive me home, so no need to ask Joseph to pick me up," I explained, referring to our family driver.

As I stepped onto the school grounds, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, instantly recognizing the playful gesture as my brother, Chris. He began ruffling my hair like a mischievous puppy, completely undoing the carefully styled locks I had spent the entire morning perfecting. "Get off," I groaned, lightly pushing his shoulder in annoyance.

"Can't I get a hug from my sister whom I won't see for a year? Are you that heartless?" Chris feigned hurt, but I could see the amusement dancing in his eyes as I rolled mine in exasperation and continued on my way. Moments later, I heard the familiar footsteps approaching, signaling the arrival of Dylan, Chris's best friend and a close family friend.

"Hi, siblings!" Dylan greeted cheerfully, joining in on the hug from behind. "Hi, Sam! It's been a while. How have you been?" he asked, his warm smile causing me to blush slightly. "I'm good," I replied shortly, feeling a bit flustered by his attention. "Uh... This is my class. I'll catch you guys later for lunch! Just text me where to meet," I said, flashing them a grin before hurrying off to the classroom, eager to escape the teasing banter and gather my thoughts for the day ahead.

After class, I received a text from my brother instructing me to meet them at the school gate. As expected, a sleek black Lamborghini gleamed in the driveway, my brother and Dylan eagerly waving as I approached. Entering the car, I couldn't contain my excitement. "My professor's not coming this afternoon, so I'm free the whole day to go wherever," I announced with a grin.

"Where are we going?" I asked, anticipation bubbling within me. Dylan glanced back at me with a smile. "Your favorite steakhouse," he replied, his answer eliciting a delighted grin from me.

After a satisfying lunch, the three of us headed back to our place. They decided to stay and chill for a while, enjoying the comfort of our home and each other's company. It was moments like these, surrounded by laughter and friendship, that made me grateful for the bonds we shared.

As the impending departure loomed over us, my brother and Dylan bustled around, preparing for their journey to London for their masters. Amidst the flurry of activity, Dylan approached me, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I'm going to miss you, Sam," he said softly. I mustered a smile, my heart heavy with knowing of his impending absence. "Me too. Be good and take care of my brother for me," I replied, trying to mask the pang of sorrow in my voice.

Dylan returned my smile, his expression tender. "I will. And for you, no boyfriend until I say you can have one. Got it?" he said, his tone half-joking, half-serious. I couldn't help but laugh, but his pout reminded me of his sincerity. "I'm serious. No one takes care of you better than me," he added earnestly.

With a last whisper, "See you next year, sweetheart.". After bittersweet farewell, they left for the airport, leaving me to grapple with the conflicting emotions swirling within me. Despite my longstanding crush on Dylan, I knew deep down that I would forever remain just a little sister to him.

Author's note: Hi, guys! Please comment if you've reached the ending of this chapter. I wanna know your thoughts, how did I do? Nonetheless, thank you for your continuous support. <3 I swore won't let my viewers down. Shayne xx

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