Chapter Twenty-Five | ' 025

Start from the beginning

" yall being loud as fuck about fighting knowing everybody KNOW we stuck together no matter what. Yall about to let everybody know yall fell out." I fussed putting my AirPods into my cardigan pocket.

I sighed looking at Rhaelyn who was just standing there. " That's nobody but Sevyn loud mouth ass ghetto ass." Karlae said making everyone laughed except for Sevyn.

" yall choosing sides or something ?" Sevyn asked and I stopped laughing. " nob- bitch you shut the fuck up. You always taking Rhaelyn Side cause you found her homeless ass at the mall getting bullied stupid ass bitch. With yo opp ass I'm really starting to get mad Cause we used to be so locked in." Sevyn started and I shut my mouth.

" then Karlae and Rhaelyn came around and you started acting weird. You rarely talk to me. You always with Karlae. Always and then it's like you forgot about me like..." Sevyn said and I sighed.

" Girl nobody forgot about you. And don't tell me shut the fuck up sista. You really lost it Ian nobody to be playing with fuck Is wrong with you. Allis secret animosity you had built up?" I said and she scoffed.

" exactly. Bitch maybe I should've chose sides na I am gon choose sides and bitch im on Rhaelyn side ahha how you feel now Rhaelyn flex this bitch." Karlae said and I mugged her.

Rhaelyn looked at Sevyn and she put her set up and Sevyn did too.

Karlae record and I did too.

They started fighting and at first Sevyn was winning then Rhaelyn had slung Sevyn into the baby table thing and she had her in a position where she couldn't get up or anything. " ohok." Karlae gassed it up and I went to break it up.

I pulled Rhaelyn and held her but then Sevyn had ran up on Rhaelyn getting face licks while I had her. " cool out. Yall fought it's good nah." I said fixing Rhaelyn hair then going to fix Sevyns.

" Bitch you wan go again." Sevyn teased putting her set up. Rhaelyn nodded and they started fighting again. This time it was a tie but at the end Sevyn had Rhaelyn on the floor and was kicking her but Rhaelyn was still swinging.

" Who the fuck is bleeding." I said seeing a spot of blood on the floor. They both shrugged as they stood in the mirror fixing they selves. " Don't talk to nobody about this.. Cmon Nae." Karlae said and I nodded as I was finna walk out the door with them.

" Nah.. she coming with me this my best friend. You choose yo side she choosing hers." Sevyn shrugged and I stayed by Sevyn.

" Karlae you should've even be choosing sides. They both our closest friends so your wrong." I shrugged as we stood in a group.

" exactly." Sevyn said and Rhaelyn mugged her. " it's like you choosing Sevyn side..." Karlae said and I frowned.

" I ain't even choose nobody side but if you goin w Rhaelyn then imma just rock with Sev.. Ian leaving her by herself. They still got people who want her head yeah. You just being unexpected weird right now I can't deal with this." I said and Karlae mugged me.

" Girl ion got time for this either. Fuck this shit. Ian even worried bout nun of yall. Yall fought ? she stared with me and you still taking her side. Sevyn is the fucking problem." Karlae said and I nodded.

" that's cool.. you gon call me later ?" I asked and she nodded. " Youn need to call her at all. Weird ass bitch we don't fuck with them." Sevyn said and I mugged her.

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