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comment! it will motivate me



There was almost a sharp click sound as Y/n reeled back, his hands punching the pillow. Was he irritated? Yes. Annoyed? Of course. Furious? Most definitely. On his last straw? Also yes.

This stupid system of his refused to even...budge. During the time he needed her the most, she was confidently not present—which led him to believe that this whole hidden event thing was an utter sham, created for the sole purpose of making him suffer; making him die.

[What is it?] She finally said, her voice annoyed, [God! You just woke me up!]

Y/n mentally took note of that piece of information. So Iris wasn't just a system. It appeared she could also do what humans do; which further proved his theory she had a physical body. That little slip up had given it away.

[You refused to listen. What else could I do?]

[I don't know! Be patient!]

[I waited for you! Yet you don't want to tell me about your useless hidden event!] Y/n exploded, [what even is the meaning of that? I almost died twice! My—The Prince almost died. And my sister.]

[Well, but you didn't.] Iris said carelessly, [so what? Stop wasting my time.]

Y/n clenched his fists, trying to suppress his frustration. [Stop wasting your time? Are you serious? Lives are at stake here! I need answers, Iris. This is your whole purpose.]

Iris huffed, seemingly unimpressed. [Fine, fine. You want answers? There's a reason I can't reveal everything. It's for your own safety and the safety of others involved.]

Safety? Since when did she care about safety? She was such a scumbag.

[That's not good enough!] Y/n snapped back, his patience running thin. [I need to understand what's going on, who's behind this, and why they're targeting me and the Prince. Fuck you.]

[Look,] Iris sighed, her tone hardening slightly, "I wish I could tell you everything, but I can't. Just trust me on this. The less you know, the safer you'll be.]

She was being vague.

[You are the system. You dragged me into this game! You put me into this situation!]

[Well, you were the useless one!] Iris said angrily, [who asked you to fail?]

Useless. Y/n had long decided that he hated that word.

[This whole game is impossible. It's like someone is purposely making me fail. From the start, the odds were against us.]

Iris hesitated for a moment before replying, "[I can't directly intervene, but I'll do my best to guide you and provide whatever assistance I can from behind the scenes. Just remember, sometimes the truth can be more dangerous than ignorance.]

Y/n grumbled in frustration, not entirely satisfied with the answer, but realizing he had no other choice. If Iris wanted to be a brat, then..

He could be a brat too.

[System: A Grandeur Escape is about to happen.]

That event was happening soon. It was between Claude and Angelina; where Claude would use magic to bring her out—and that would strengthen their bond. Normally, Y/n would be plotting on how to interrupt it, but..

First of all, he was too tired. Too exhausted. Relaxing with Aristidis would be fun.

(And would also quell whatever dangerous feelings Aristidis would have.)

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