Chapter 4

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Lily's POV

Staring at the pair of eyes, I tried to focus my vision to see what was hiding in the darkness. "H-Hello?" I spoke up as I took a step forward, my sight never leaving the glowing eyes, I noticed them move as the same large purple cat emerged, now that it was standing on all fours... I realized how tall it really was as I almost fell trying to look up at it. I looked down at Kit, then up at its bigger version, finally seeing its face. It had an everlasting, black void of a forced smile.

I thought back to what DogDay told me, to be careful of 'CatNap'. This must be him... but I don't understand why I should be? "You... must be CatNap, right?" I tried to speak to it, but its body language changed to be more defensive, as it backed up with its back arched, its eyes still fixated on mine. I didn't want to seem like a threat, especially with me intruding in its space.

"I'm lost here... I don't know where I am, what this place is... as much as you're wary towards me... despite how confused and scared I am. I still helped you... Helped them. " I looked down at the little critters as they all were looking up at me, and I gave a couple of them headpats, which they nuzzled into. Looking back up at CatNap, I jumped a little to see that he was closer and less tense, probably observing how the critter acted towards me.

"You're lucky to be alive, human." My eyes widened, not by what he said, but at the sound of the deep and slightly damaged voice that came from the feline. "These Critters. They should have just eaten you. To fill themselves. Yet they didn't, " he added to what he said, and I looked down at Kit, who just looked up at me. "Were you gonna eat me, Kit? You must've been starving if that's the case. " I hugged Kit close to me as a small distorted meow came from him.

Hearing a low grumble from CatNap, I looked back up at him as he started to circle around me, examining me. I must be the first person here in a long time if he's this wary of me. "You never worked here. So I will tell you this... Leave PlayCare; Leave this place, or else..." he stopped in front of me and closed the distance as he stated his warning to me. "But -" I couldn't finish my sentence as he left through the door behind him, just like that he was gone.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I went over and grabbed DogDay's legs and started to take them back with me as the little critter followed along. Getting close to the exit, one of them made a cry to get my attention. Turning towards them, I then see that almost all of them had a button or two in their mouths and were carrying them around as they followed me. That's right. I forgot they wanted me to reattach those. "Sorry little guys I forgot, let me go help a friend of ours, and I promise I'll be back" I patted one of their heads as they just laid there by the entrance to wait. 'They're so cute!!' smiling, I took Kit and the legs with me to go meet back up with DogDay.

"DogDay! I got your -" I called out to him as I opened the door under the statue, but right when I went to head down. I suddenly felt like I was falling, my eyes widening as I covered my face with my arms to protect myself, I yelped when I hit the stair, and tumbled down, but then I landed on something soft, hearing a grunt in the process.

After the impact, I got up to see that I landed on DogDay. "I'm sorry, DogDay! I can be a bit clumsy... Are you okay?" I got off him to help him move as he shook his head a bit , making his ears flop around before rubbing his head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Lily, don't worry about it." I smiled, knowing that he didn't get hurt, and I picked up his legs that I dropped. "Now... Let's get those legs back on you, shall we? " I jumped a little as I got to work on sewing his legs back on.


Finishing the last stitch, DogDay was now whole again, and I even put together the internal pieces just to be sure he could move. "Alright, DogDay, you should be good to go, but please make sure to rest. Are you hungry?" I pulled out food ingredients, just in case he wanted something other, just raw meat like the critters have been eating.
"Thank you, Lily, but you should be trying to get out of here if CatNap finds you..." He didn't want to finish that sentence, I can tell.

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