With all due respect

490 24 6

Third person pov.

Hyunjin was crying sitting in the police station, he defended himself in various ways that he was not a bully but it was all deaf ears, they ignored him putting charges on him, he was not allowed to call anyone nor see anyone, it was unfair and against the rules.

Hyunjin couldn't forget the way Felix's eyes avoided him, his heart crumbled more remembering the same scene, he understands Felix but it still hurts though, it does deep inside his heart there is a cut which is slowly deepening..he could never unlove Felix or get angry at him to coax himself, it always him who pushed himself against Felix and it hurt though Felix was not responsible for any of his now miserable condition. Probably a look of concern or assuring smile would do the work but he didn't even get that.

He could hear the cops speaking soo ill about him, about how his career is ruined, about how horrible he is, he can no longer chase his dreams, he will soon be kicked of the university too..he really didn't know how to handle this, a shoulder to lean was all he craved for.

He was staining his clothes with his tears when a cop called him to come out.

He didn't hear anything afterwards, with his head down he continued to sniff.

"Why are you crying? You didn't do anything wrong Hyunjin"

The deep soft voice had his head snap up, the tears were again fresh sliding down the already dried ones


"Is this proof enough or you want me get a lawyer?" Felix said through his raised deep voice as the cop looked down nodding

"Yeah y-you can take him he is clean" the cop gave permission as Hyunjin's cuffs were removed and the boy immediately ran in Felix's arms

"I th-thought you would ne-never come" hyunjin mumbled as Felix hugged him back patting his head

"I cannot abandon you when you trust me soo much Hyunjin, I'll never do"

Felix's voice was soft, as the memories of how his father abandoned them by committing suicide flashed, how his mom died leaving him alone with his sister and how he himself abandoned every ties(his sister) standing in middle of nowhere...the amount of pain and confusion his heart went through he would never let Hyunjin go through the same..he would never abandon Hyunjin, someone who trusts him with their whole life at risk to protect and fight for him, Felix would never, he will never will to abandon Hyunjin until the other wants to walk out...

"Mr.Felix you can take Hwang Hyunjin and go" the cop reminded getting back on his work as Felix stared at him

"With due respect Sir, I want you to admit Hwang Hyunjin is innocent and it was your fault infront of everyone" Felix said boldly but the officer simply scoffed

"Many things happen and go kid, be happy he is not a bully or his life would be ruined, just mind your business, leave" He tried to shoo them off but Felix didn't budge

"Is that so? Then I'll file a report against you and your station for defamation of a student's character" Felix said with smirk seeing the officer go pale a little

"I had the evidence to catch him, what defamation you are talking about?"

"It was just a video sir, but you without interrogation and investigation arrested him infront of everyone, cuffed him and put in jail when the evidence was not even cross checked, so Sir you are in more trouble if I report, so would you come yourself and accept the mistake by taking into account of actual culprits or should I force you to? Either way you are doing it so choose wisely with due respect or under punishable offence?"

HIS MORNING STAR -HYUNLIXWhere stories live. Discover now