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Skylar grew up in a lonely home, abandoned by her mother and father for separate reasons.

Her mother abandoned her the second she was basically out of her body to go back to work. Her job as a surgeon was apparently much more important than her own children.

Her father Thatcher was having an affair with another woman, who he ended up getting pregnant with and had his second and third daughter named Alexandra and Molly(not that they knew this of course) then he jumped back ship and got her mother pregnant with her months later.

Unlike when he found out about his second eldest daughter, Thatcher didn't stick around after Skylar's birth, leaving her to be raised by her older sister Meredith who did her best despite being only 6 and a half years older than her.

(Maggie is older than her, same as Lexie and Molly)

Growing up neglected by her mother, and basically abandoned by her father, Skye strived to be the best in everything she did.

She had a passion for swimming, art, and music, and she really applied herself into those areas during school. Skipping several grades due to her photographic memory.

Skylar fell in love with swimming, joining her schools team and taking them to nationals in her first year on the team, she was only 12 at the time!

Then she graduated at 13, and she went to college for her pre-med degree.

She joined the Navy at 17(the earliest that she could) and became a field medic and soldier.

There she met a man named Morgan Elliot (played by Joseph Morgan) and they fell in love with one another quickly.

After a year of dating they married each other, happier than ever.

She got called by the top brass for a top secret assignment called Project Dolphin.

This project was to enhance soldiers and make them into super soldiers.

Over 30 people were chosen for the project from every single military field. Skylar being one of 5 chosen from the Navy.

She underwent multiple tests, multiple experiments, only 3 made it out alive.

The enhancements made them stronger, faster, have better senses. But it also changed them fundamentally.

Each of them getting different abilities.

One of the guys from the Army could turn his whole body into steel!

A girl could create and feel the vibrations around her.

Whilst Skylar could shape shift and had a paralytical bite, she could also take away people's pain at the cost of bearing if so they didn't have to.

Skylar was the most successful subject as her gifts were enhanced more due to a seventh chemical formula that the others didn't get. This formula tore her cells apart one by one (she was in a coma for 3 weeks) slowly and it felt like her blood was boiling, this formula basically made it so she could get her extra two powers. Her original one only being shape shifting.

Seeing the success they had, but at the great loss of many soldiers, the project was shut down, and the three soldiers were compensated for the experimentation heavily.

Then the three became secret weapons for the president to call on whenever needed.

They helped stop battles by killing enemies too quickly for them to even notice they were there. Then for the next two years Skylar was assigned to Seal Team 6, the most tactical team in all of the Navy. Also, the team that was in the most danger.

She gained many scars from her time on that team. She Rose through the ranks until she reached Lieutenant. During this time she received many medals, the Navy Cross, medal of honor, prisoner of war, silver star, and the purple heart.

Then on a month break (in which she visited Meredith who at the time was in med school) and spent time with her husband, they ended up getting pregnant.

Both were extremely excited for their baby, Skye was put back to her old field medic assignment throughout the pregnancy.

Just after Lani was born her husband died in a brutal attack. Leaving their daughter fatherless and her, a widow.

Skylar was honorably discharged and in a short time after received her PhD (which she had been studying for in the Navy) before deciding to move back home.

She moved back to Seattle, and into her old home with her older sister Meredith, and applied for internship at Seattle Grace, her mother's old stomping grounds.

Meredith was excited to have her sister back home and her niece as well.

Things to know

Skye has an accent, mostly from her time traveling and from her time in college. It's a mix between English and Australian.

Meredith is pretty protective of Skylar and Leilani, mostly because they're the only family she's ever truly had.

Skye does have nightmares, and PTSD flashbacks, but they won't come up for a bit since she's good at hiding them.

I don't know what specialty Skye will have just yet, but I was leaning towards Peds or Trauma.

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