The River in Reverse

Start from the beginning

"Alright, goodbye love." Klaus says.

"Goodbye." Stiles replies before hanging up his phone.

He picks up the wood that he's found before heading back to the shack, where he left Hayley taking care of Elijah. Stiles shakes his head at Klaus' obvious worry over the relationship between Elijah and Hayley. It's sweet, don't get Stiles wrong, but it's misplaced. Klaus himself feels a certain amount of guilt over the fact that he himself is starting to view Hayley as one of them. And as a result of this, he's taking it out on his brother, who he can see is doing the same thing.

When Stiles gets back to the shack, he comes in just as Elijah is gagging and coughing up water. Stiles sighs at just how pale and sweaty, Elijah looks.

"Forgive me please." Elijah begs.

"It's okay. Remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy." Hayley says, causing Stiles to roll his eyes.

"Yes, remind me to remind you to get in line." Elijah says.

"Well, whilst we're reminding each of things, let me remind you both that we are only here because of your own actions." Stiles speaks up causing them both to look at him.

Elijah has the decency to look cowed but Hayley just looks indignant.

"Klaus didn't need to bite Elijah." Hayley points out.

"No he didn't, but neither of you needed to accuse him baselessly without at least talking to him first." Stiles reminds.

Seeing that Hayley isn't going to say anything else Stiles walks further into the shack and towards Elijah.

"What you need isn't water." Stiles says before he moves Elijah so that he's resting his head on Stiles' chest. "Come on, drink."

Stiles has his wrist hovering over Elijah' mouth. Elijah grabs his wrist weakly and tries to move it away.

"No, I could hurt you." Elijah denies.

"I wouldn't let you. Now drink." Stiles instructs.

Elijah bites into Stiles' wrist and takes long deep gulps, whilst Stiles strokes a hand through his hair.

"Okay that's enough." Stiles says and Elijah lets go, allowing Stiles to move his arm and heal the bite wound.


Klaus is having his session with Cami, he's just gone over his siblings recent betrayals whilst Cami types.

"They have forsaken me. My siblings are as deceitful in disease just as my parents ever were. Accusing me of using my own baby for gain, trusting others before their own blood." Klaus scoffs.

"Would a laptop kill you?" Cami's voice breaks Klaus out of his thoughts.

"That typewriter was good enough for Hemingway." Klaus defends.

"I can see the resemblance. Booze and random acts of violence." Cami huffs.

"Elijah and Rebekah have cut to the quick with their vicious lies about me. And all I've done is tried to win this battle of will over Marcel's control of the Quarter in order to reclaim our home...Type please!" Klaus exclaims.

"What's the point? You just repeat the same thing over and over again. Rebekah's out to get you. Elijah's out to get you. Is there anyone who isn't plotting your downfall? I doubt you trust your own reflection." Cami snaps.

"Stiles." Klaus says.

"What?" Cami asks.

"Stiles isn't plotting my downfall. Which is amusing if you think about it. He's the only thing out there that could kill me. Even if I have drank his blood, I'm certain he could figure a way around it. And yet..." Klaus can't help the small smile that comes to his face.

Stiles Stilinski-MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now