13. Growing feelings

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Yet.. Carrie is such a kind girl.. very nice, extremely kind and understanding. Maybe a little bit too soft, but that's never bad. Y/N was glad to know her. Maybe, she could befriend her and have a deeper connection with her. Maybe, with that, Carrie could open up more and finally live a happier life.

Then again.. the Joker will be there. And Beetlejuice. And the Sinclairs. But it won't be so bad. Right?

You checked the time again, and saw that the first sessions had ended. Every patient was in their own rooms until Lunch, which would be in about half an hour. Since you had like eight more patients to take care of, you decided to bring the patients to the cafeteria now. Checking if your card was in your pocket, which it was, you left your office and went to let out your own patients first.

Norman was reading a novel when you opened his door. He had a curious expression as he looked up at the now opened door, with you standing by the doorway. He smiled, although surprised, and closed the book.

"Y-Y/N! You came sooner than usual." The man noted as he stood up from his bed, and walked up to you. You smiled, and accepted the hug that he gave you, feeling how his arms firmly squeezed your smaller frame, almost protectively.

"Yeah, some changes will happen, but only for today. Arthur's not here today, so I'm taking care of his patients as well." You said, making Norman frown. It wasn't that he hated any of Arthur's patients. In fact, with Candyman and Vincent he was actually on good terms with. But it was rather the fact that now, most likely you will pay even less attention to him. He was so thankful that it was only for today.

"Oh.. Y-You're so kind, Y/N.. I-I'm sure Arthur was t-thankful." Norman said, mustering a soft smile on his face. He wondered how the others would feel about this.. his only hope was that Brahms wouldn't throw a temper tantrum....


"What do you mean you'll take care of them too?!" Brahms was throwing a temper tantrum. His usually child-like voice was almost completely nonexistent, but he was able to keep at least his voice somehow the same. The man-child was breathing heavily, crossing his arms as he stomped his foot, yelling, whining, pleading, and doing everything a child would do when they don't get what they want.

You were standing at the door, a nervous look on your face. This never happened before. How could you even approach this situation?

"Brahms, dear, as I said it's only for today." You tried to calm the man down, yet he only huffed, turning his head to the side. Not like you could see his face anyways, his mask covered all of it, except his eyes.

"Why did Arthur need your help? Couldn't he ask someone else?! Now I will see you ever less today!" Brahms whined out, glaring at the floor.

"I-I'm sure I-It won't be s-so bad, Brahms. I-It's only for today, as miss Y/N said. Tomorrow we'll have h-her for o-our own, j-just like yesterday." Norman butted in the conversation, seeing how you looked more and more clueless about what to do. You smiled in relief when she saw that Brahms started to calm down.

"How about this, Brahms? Tomorrow, we'll play on the piano together. Would you like that?" You asked, and almost instantly, Brahms raised his head, and you could see his eyes glimmering as it met yours.

"You mean it..?" He asked, his voice once again steady and child-like, high-pitched. Brahms was tempted to just grab your hand, and dash out from his room, to where the activity rooms were, so he could play the piano with you. That was one thing he enjoyed the most.. the other nurses never cared about his passion for poetry and music. But you did, and because of that, he grew even more attached to you. Oh, if only you could be his nanny, back at the Heelshire manor...

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 26 ⏰

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I'm Here To Love You.. /Asylum Slashers x Nurse! Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang