I called Max to tell him the good news.

"Hey Maxie" - L

"Hey Lucie" - M

"You'll never guess where I'll be watching the Spanish GP from" - L

"RED BULL! You're staying with red bull" - M

He's mad. The Max Verstappen is mad. He's lost the plot after winning his first GP.

"I'm going to wait until your neurons start working in your brain, to continue with this conversation" - L

"Oh come on now, you asked me to guess and a guy can only dream" - M

"Yeah well, you know over my father's dead body would I be able to step into red bull. Anyway, I'm just going to tell you because I'm so excited" - L

"Hit me Luce" - M

Taking a deep breath and shutting my eyes. I had a massive smile on my face, you could probably hear it.

"I'm staying with Ferrari!"

Im pretty sure I yelled it into the phone. But the line went silent. I waited 1 minute and nothing, no response.

"Maxie? Did the phone cut out, I'm staying with ferr-" - L

"Yeah I heard you loud and clear" - M

His response was cold and blunt. This was my first achievement to proving to everyone that I was an individual. More importantly to prove to myself that I was worth being proud over.

"Well then what's the problem" - L

"Have you meet the drivers" - M

The drivers? What do the drivers have to do with anything. Is he hearing him right now.

"What are you talking about?" - L

"Have you meet the drivers, yes or no Lucia?" - M

Lucia? He's never called me Lucia. It's always Lucie or Luce.

"Maxi- Max you know I haven't, but I get to meet them before Practice 1 and then after Race day, at Ferrari's runway show, one of them has been assigned to walk me down the red carpet. It's not a big deal" - L

"Promise me they will only be drivers to you" - M

I'm so confused. What's he not telling me.

"The fuck are you on about, did you hit your head again?" - L

"Lucia I'm not joking around now. You don't know drivers like I do, I'm with them nearly 24/7. I know what they think and how they will act. Especially a particular Ferrari driver."

Particular Ferrari driver?

"Max I-" - L

Max immediately cut me off.

"Drivers can't resist models, especially very very beautiful models like yourself. But all they care about is the chase and once they loop you in and you fall, they run the other direction and never look back." - M

I was frustrated. What did Max think I was an idiot, who was blindly lead by love. Was fooled once and he knows I'll never let that happen again. I swore to myself that I'd never let that happen again. I won't make that mistake again. I won't give my heart out again to have it returned in pieces.

"Max I'm not some young dumb love struck teenager, whose desperate for someone to love her." - L

Max lowered his voice and took a massive breath out.

"I know you aren't but I also know you crave someone to love and share memories with. You may try to hide it, but it's shown through the music you listen to, the poems you read and share and the way you look at other couples, especially when you look at Kelly and I" - M

He's right, it was evident in my song choices, the poems I read and would post on instagram and most evidently through my eyes as I looked at Kelly and Max's relationship. They were perfect together and that's all I dreamt of. I couldn't argue with him, I didn't know what to say.

"After everything that happened with Gabriel..." - M

"Don't you dare say his name" - L

I quickly cut him off. He has no idea the full story of what happened. He only knows the surface, the stuff that isn't that horrible so he can still look at me and not be disgusted.

Max signed. He got the message that I didn't want to talk about Gabriel.

"Just promise me, as your best friend, that you won't let Charles get under your skin" - M

"Who?" - L

"Charles fucking Leclerc, Lucia. The play boy of the formula one world." - M

I've heard his name before. He's a really good driver and my brother doesn't like him, who would have thought. My father respects his skills because he drives for Ferrari but that doesn't mean he's fond of him either. I didn't know this side of him being a play boy, I didn't even know him at all. But something about the way he drives and how he walks around the paddock, intrigues me and I don't know why.

"Maxie I've never heard anything bad" - L

"Promise me Lucie, please" - M

Max whispering, asking me to promise. We never broke any promises we made. We held promises to a high standard, when we asked one another to promise it was for the other's own good.

"Ok, I promise Max" - L

"Good" - Max

There was a long pause in the call. Neither of us knew what to say.

"I'm really happy for you Lucie. I hope you know that. You got this invite all on your own because of your own job. I'm proud." - M

"Thanks Maxie" - L

"Sorry Lucie, my mangers calling me. I've got to run, but I'll message you tonight." - M

"Bye Maxie" - L

And with that I hung up the phone and just starred up at the ceiling as I laid on my bed. With one thing on my mind. Who was Charles Leclerc.

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