Chapter Two:

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Tony was up all night, he had left a note for Arial that he would be home later on after work. He grabbed his gym bag and started his day. He smiled because he just knew that today was the day she was going to be gone.

He looked at the house he shared with a woman that he married for two years, never touched, never acknowledged, didn't care about anything all in the name of greed and hate.

"Soon." he said with a smile and walked down the stairs and got into his car.


Arial woke up with the warmth of the sun hitting her face. She had not yet opened her eyes. She remembered that she was in the same bed as her husband. Inside her heart was bursting with excitement. She rolled over only to feel that the bed was empty and cold. She quickly opened her eyes and was saddened to see that he really was gone. She grabbed his pillow to smell his scent.

She heard Louis meowing down the hall.

"I'm in here." She called out to her beloved fur baby.

She hit the pillow in frustration. Confused on what she was doing. She doubted herself in every manner. Her mind went over every conversation they had ever had. Why even marry me? Why even ask for my hand in marriage. She got up from the bed. At that moment she made the choice to leave for a few days.

"Come on Louis, we have to pack." She said with a smile on her face.


Tony was at work, he had so much pep in his step just know that soon this little problem would be gone. Everyone at the office could see how happy he was.

"Man, what has gotten into you? I take it that married life is going well."

Tony stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"Sure, I guess you could say that."

As he turned to walk away he rolled his eyes.

Once he got into his office. His phone was ringing. He hurried to answer it because he just knew this was it. He was waiting for this to happen like a crackhead waiting on the first of the month.

"This is Tony..."

Silence was on the other end.

"Hello... "


"Hello, Hello, Hello...."

Still nothing at this time Tony is getting more and more aggravated with the silence.

"Helllfuckingoooo..." he said, raising his voice.

"Well, well, well, they told me you had a short temper. I see they weren't wrong."

A man said on the other line.

" Who is this?"

"Look, let's not do this back and forth. I don't respond to questions. I need to meet you today and go over something with you."

Tony was confused because he called him on the work phone. Everything is going to end badly. Without even thinking he hung up the work phone. He stood up and began pacing.The phone rang again. He stared at the phone. Ringing and ringing. He put his hands over his face in anger. Finally, he walked over to the phone to answer.

He picked up the phone.

"What the fuck do you want?" He said in a distressed voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry to have bothered you." A soft spoken voice answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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