Dean exits the library, a not so happy look splayed on his face, he stopped in front of Sam, "so?"

"Checked every record they had. Found the usual amount of violent childhood deaths for a town this size."

Beau gently tosses the rock he was messing with away before standing up to catch up with the guys, who were starting to walk across the street towards a park.

"Wanna know how many were little girls with black hair and pale skin?"

Beau took a guess after hearing the last bit of the conversation, "zero."

Dean pointed his finger at him, "Zero! You wanna know how many little girls with black hair and pale skin that have gone missing?" He paused for a moment, "right again. Zip. zilch, nada." He looked at Sam and Beau, "Tell me you've got something good 'cause I've totally wasted the last six hours."

Sam chuffs, "Well, you ever hear of Lillian Bailey? She was a British medium from the 1930s."

"She got a thing for fairy tales?"

Sam shook his head, "nah, trances. See, she'd go into these unconscious states where, uhm, get this, her thoughts and actions were completely controlled by spirits."

Beau sighed, "this is some Scooby-Doo type shit."


Dean squinted his eyes in thought, looking at them, "Think that's what this kid is doing? Sending wolfboy and grandma into trances, making them go kill-crazy?"

"Could be. You know, kinda like uh, uh, spirit hypnosis or somethin'."

"Trances I get, bit fairy tale trances? That's bizarre even for us."

Sam, Dean, and Beau stop walking, looking down when they hear a croaking noise to see a bullfrog sitting right in front of them. Sam looked at it, "yea, you're right. That's completely normal."

The bullfrog croaks again and again. Dean lifted his hands up and let them fall to his side again, "All right, maybe it is fairy tales. Totally messed-up fairy tales." He looked at the frog again, "I tell you one thing, there's no way I'm kissing a damn frog."

Beau laughed while Sam shook his head before he focused on a house across the street, "hey, check that out." Sam points at the house, a pumpkin sits on the porch.

"Yea? It's close to Halloween."

Sam looks at the two, "You remember Cinderella? With the pumpkin that turns into a coach, and the mice that become horses?"

Dean looks at Sam, "dude, could you be anymore gay?"

Beau cleared his throat, looking at Dean with raised brows and a straight face. Dean looks at him when he hears Beau clear his throat, stammering when he sees the look he is giving him, "right, uh, yea."

He looks back at Sam, who was giving him a nonplussed look, his jaw working speechlessly for a moment. Dean looked straight ahead at seeing his reaction, "don't answer that."

Dean starts to walk ahead of them and towards the house, leaving the other two to catch up to him.

By the time the two reached the house, Dean was picking the lock to the front door, Sam opened the door, and they all entered.

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