New Recruits from another Timeline

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In Adventure Bay...

Right now, all the pups were just chilling out.

Zuma: Hey dudes, up for a game of tag?!

The other pups: I am!

The other pups play tag.

With Kyle, he's in his house watching New Super Mario Bros. DS on his Xbox One.

Kyle FKZF: Hm... maybe I should get a DS and take it with me on trips with all my friends. Haha, that'll be a great idea.

Inside the Lookout, Ryder was playing a game on his pup-pad. Until...

*Pup-pad rings*

Ryder: Huh?

Ryder answers.

Ryder: Hello, Ryder here.

???: Hello? Is this thing working?

The figure's voice sounded like Chase.

Ryder: Who is this?

???: I am a different version of Chase, and I have Marshall, Zuma, Rubble, Rocky, Skye and Liberty with me.

The other 5 pups: Hello!

Ryder saw that they have fur you can actually see, and some pretty advanced gear.

It was the PAW Patrol Movie pups!

Ryder: Whoa, you 7 have some pretty advanced gear.

Chase (Movie): Thank you.

Ryder: So, whatcha calling for?

Chase: (Movie): Well... It's too upsetting. But, here goes... our leader Ryder, not you but ours... is dead.

Ryder was shocked to hear that.

Ryder: Oh, that's so sad.

Chase: (Movie): Yeah, we've been on our own for 4 days. We're looking for another leader.

Kyle FKZF (On the first floor): Hey Ryder, who are you talking to?

Chase (Movie): Who is that?

Then, Kyle comes up to the top floor and saw the Movie pups on screen.

Kyle FKZF: Whoa what? Hey, I know those 7, they're from the PAW Patrol Movie!

Skye (Movie): That Kid knows about us?!

Ryder: This is our video-gaming friend, Kyle. Just call him Kyle FKZF.

Marshall (Movie): Y-You know him?!

Ryder: Yeah, he's been living with us for a long time.

Chase (Movie): But how did he get there? He doesn't look like he's from your timeline.

Rocky (Movie): Or ours.

Ryder: It's a long story. But, I'm willing to warp you guys to our timeline, and you 7 can join us if you'd like.

Chase (Movie): Yes! Please! That'd be great.

Ryder: Alright, this'll take a moment.

*Call ends*

Kyle FKZF: So, anyway, I'm gonna go back into my house.

Ryder: Okay.

Kyle exits the Lookout, then Ryder heard a yelling 'Ow!'

Ryder: Oh!

Ryder looks down from the Lookout balcony.

Ryder: What's going on?!

Rex: Sorry Ryder!

Sweetie: Kyle tripped on something and face-planted himself in the dirt!

Ryder: Are you okay Kyle?

Kyle FKZF: Don't worry, I'm A-OK!

Kyle does a silly nerdy dance while going into his house, the others laugh.

Tuck: Oh my gosh...

Ella: He's so silly.

Tuck: You chose him, Sis. You're stuck with him.

Ella: Eh, but I don't mind all the things he does.

7 minutes later...

All the pups were just having fun, until. The same warping device they used to bring Kyle to their world appeared.

Al: Huh?

Then, the door in the device opened up and out came the Movie pups.

TV Show pups and Movie pups: (Awkward Silence)

Rubble (TV Show): I-Is it me or am I seeing two of me?

Rubble (Movie): You're seeing a version of yourself from another timeline.

Zuma (Movie): Whoa, you guys have a lot of other pups we haven't even met before.

Chase (TV Show): Oh yeah, the Husky is Everest, the Chihuahua is Tracker, the white Highland Terrier is Sweetie, the 2 Golden Retrievers is Tuck and Ella, Tuck is the boy, and Ella is the girl. The Basset Hound is Al, the boy Dachshund is Arrby and the ocean-themed Cockapoo is our Skye's cousin, Coral.

Everest: Hello.

Tracker: Hola amigos.

Sweetie: Very nice to meet you.

Tuck and Ella: Hello.

Al: What's up?

Arrby: Hi.

Coral: Pleasure to meet you.

Rocky (Movie): Is that Kyle in that house?

Kyle comes outside.

Kyle FKZF: (Singing) ...and if ya mess with me, you'll regret it w' me holdin' a gun in your face...

He stops singing as he saw the Movie pups.

Kyle FKZF: Horale, ese's.

Marshall (TV Show): Huh, that's a new one.

Kyle FKZF: I now see the difference between the 6 main pups from TV Show and Movie versions. I would call this... Paw Patrol Generations.

Liberty (Movie): Pretty neat thinkin', Kid.

Kyle FKZF: Looks like we'll have even more company stayin' with us, pups. It's like a full house, but with a tower.

Ella: That's my BF right there.

Zuma (Movie): You 2 are best friends?

Kyle FKZF: Yep, me and Ella - We're like the Man's Best Friend Duo.

Ella jumps into Kyle's arms, and they kiss.

Movie Pups: Eww.

Skye (Movie): Gross. He just kissed a puppy.

Tuck: Hey, it's just best friend love between a video-gaming Kid, and a female Golden Retriever. I find it cute.

TV Show pups: So do we.



Marshall (Movie): Well, it looks like we'll be staying here with a lot of new friends now.

Rocky (TV Show): It's going to be a blast!

Rocky (Movie): Oh yes it is, brother.

Rocky TV Show and Movie paw bump together.

And so, that's how the Movie pups moved in with the TV Show pups.

What'd you all think? And what's your favorite part??

The End.

All Paws On Deck: New Recruits from another TimelineWhere stories live. Discover now