Killahead Part One

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*Throne Room*

The team of time travelers plus Merlin and King Arthur and a couple of knights all gathered in the throne room getting ready to take a little trip to Dwoza. "Make ready men." The king ordered. You stretched getting ready before you winced holding your side still sore. "You ok N/n?" Douxie questioned making his way to you. You turned smiling a little at his concern. "I'm fine Doux." You reassured as he lifted your arm to check your bandages. "Are you sure, you can stay back if you need." You chuckled at the male in front of you causing him to give you a strange look. "Lancelot's missing an arm and you're worried about me?" You pointed between you and the knight "Lancelot isn't my girlfriend now is he?" He questioned grabbing your waist pulling you closer. "Hmm I guess you have a point." You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck grinning.

"Wait girlfriend?!" Was heard near the two as you both turned to see a shocked Steve and Claire who looked more happy than shocked. "You mean you two are finally dating?" Claire asked a little excited. You nodded letting the male in front of you go. "Finally I've been waiting for you to get a boyfriend." She said hugging you. Your smile dropped hugging her back trying to figure out if you should be offended or not. "Y/n." Your uncle called out making his way to your small group. "Yes uncle?" You asked bowing briefly. "You may open the portal now." The group behind you gave you a look as you stood in front of your uncle fidgeting nervously not knowing what to say. "Oh Um I-" "I'll open the portal for her your majesty." Claire stepped in bowing at the male. He gave you a brief look of concern before nodding at the female in front of you.

She made her way to the front of the group. The girl held her hands out before a black and purple portal opened. There was silence as she seemed to be looking at something before she grunted angrily stomping through the portal. "Wait Claire!" You called out going after her because something was obviously wrong. You walked through the other end the other two teens behind you to see Claire yelling at Vendel who was holding some tool and Jim on a operating table. "What the f-" Douxie slapped a hand over your mouth cutting you off. "Oh! Humans! Sound the alarm!" Vendel ordered frightened as the rest of the group walked through. "Hold! Please, Vendel of Dwoza." Your uncle pleaded pushing his way to to the front. "I humble myself before you. Camelot needs your help." He kneeled before the older. The troll looked skeptical but decided to hear him out.

*Common Area Of Dwoza*

Word of the king's unexpected visit spread like a wild fire. And because of that it didn't take long to get most of the trolls in one place. Which was exactly what Arthur needed. "Gumar the Black's swarm of Gumm-Gumms are ready to strike. The monsters seek vengeance on both our kind." Arthur explained to the trolls standing in front of him. "And after all you've done, you expect us trolls to fight in this war for you?" Vendel questioned wary of the man. "No, not for me; with me, as equals." He tried to defend but Vendel wasn't buying what the king was selling. "I vow, if we win this war, we shall live in peace." A splash and knights grunting stole your attention as he wiped some brown substance off his armor. You winced realizing exactly what was thrown and hoped he could get the smell out.

"Gumm-Gumm's are terrifying warriors while we are but humble gravel miners. How do you expect us to ever defeat Gunmar?" The troll asked as the king lost him the more he tried to explain. "We will give you a secret weapon." Arthur said hoping that might sway the other.

"You really think they can work this out?" Jim asked from behind you. "I'm not sure but after what uncle's done its going to be near impossible." You whispered not taking your eyes off the two leaders. "Wait... Uncle?!" He whispered yelled wide eyed. "Long story." You said unfazed at people finding out your bloodline at this point. "They have to, or everyone in Camelot and Dwoza are doomed" Douxie chimed in. "Then so is saving history. Great." Claire sighed. You puffed your cheeks out unsettled by your options. "I assure you, all will be fine once I've completed my amulet." Merlin said joining the group of teens. "That rides on if they listen." "Don't be so pessimistic" Douxie said a little too eager. You kept quiet as you watched Merlin walk away with Jim to go talk about something.

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