Battle Royale

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There the team of time travelers were. Y/n and Douxie sat criss cross in front of Claire as the male held your mother's book open for you. Steve was in the back doing whatever but you all just tuned him out. "You're doing good Claire." You praised looking between her and the book. "Now feel yourself melt into the shadows let the world drop away." You instructed as she breathed in and out, a portal opened under her as she fell through. You smiled briefly a sense of pride washing over you before turning back to the book flipping through the pages. You felt a pair of eyes on you causing you to look up to see Douxie looking down at you from above the book. "Yes, Douxie?" You questioned paying the male little attention.

"What ever happened to other you?" He asked as you sighed. "She woke up and Merlin's keeping her in a hidden room until we get home. Doesn't matter anyway she refuses to leave after hearing about her mother." You explained not taking your eyes off the task in front of you. "But that isn't what you wanted to talk about is it?" You questioned moving the book in front of his face. "Y/n." He sighed puffing his cheeks out closing the book scaring you slightly as you snatched your hand back. "Doux wha-" "You've read this book over a thousand times so don't give me that. How about you try some techniques?" He asked pulling you up. "Doux I already told you, I'm done with shadow magic." You rolled your eyes taking your hands back. "And I told you I'm helping you get through this no matter what." He said placing a hand on your shoulder and you crossed your arms. "You're not gonna let this go are you?"

"You know me better than that." There was silence before a portal opening brought you back to reality as you two separated. "She's back! She's back!" Claire yelled stumbling out panicked. "Slow down, slow down. Who's back?" Douxie grabbed her shoulders keeping her steady. "Morgana's alive and coming for us." Claire informed your eyes going bigger than golf balls at the sight behind her. "Mom?!" You exclaimed pointing causing the girl in front of you to turn around quickly closing the portal that had your mother's hand sticking out of it. You covered your mouth with your hand, eyes glossing over as your breathing quickened. "Y/n?" The younger male reached for you as you took a step back pulling away from him. "Y/n!" Claire called out but you couldn't answer, your head was spinning, and you felt sick to your stomach. A lump formed in your throat as you tried to speak but nothing came out.

You screamed out, dropping through darkness. You eventually slowed stopping in the liquid like substance of the shadow realm. You looked around frantically as you saw visions of your mothers face everywhere. "Douxie! Claire! Steve! Uncle!" You called out images flashing through your mind as well. "Uncle. You still give that title to the man that killed me." An all too familiar voice said from behind. You turned to see your mother except this time she didn't look like a vision and she was wearing the smooth golden armor that struck fear into you the first time you saw it all those years ago. "No you're not real." You clutched your head your eyes shut tight trying to wake up from your nightmare.

"I assure you I'm very real child." The woman spoke a soft hand slowly removing your hands from your head as you opened your eyes. "Mom?" You asked your voice cracking like you were in a trance. You quickly hugged the woman knowing it wasn't right but it felt it was. You were drawn to her like a child to a toy. But then it clicked you started to remember causing you to let go. "What do you want?" You questioned as the woman's expression dropped. "That isn't anyway to speak to your mother." She said reaching out for you. You smacked her hand away and repeated your question. "Fine then I'll get straight to the point." She said all hints or traces of her old demeanor gone. "I want you to join me and use your majicks to fight for our kind." She said waving her hand an evil you appearing in the darkness. In the image f/c and black shadows surrounded your body a similar f/c version of a mix of your mother's and Claire's armor clothing your body. You stared at the image in disbelief and disgust. "Not a chance, I could never be you." You narrowed your eyes at the woman your tone laced with malice.

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