"Absolutely not!" Loki stated.

"How about you both go and find your children and think about what I said. Regardless, I want to check on the baby again before you both leave."

Loki just nodded as he moved closer to help you up.

— — — —

Loki walked next to you as he led you down the halls towards his rooms in tense silence. Even after all this time you still remembered the way. There were a few differences that you noticed as you walked, different coloured brickwork and new tapestries. You wondered how much damage the dark elves had caused. Who had survived, who did not.

"Where are the kids?" you asked Loki, unsure where he had sent them after your little fainting episode.

"With Thor and Sif, possibly in the gardens. I only told them to keep them away from Erik and Odin."

"It's not safe for Astrid!" you exclaimed. "No one knows here."

"I have placed an illusion on her while we are here and she is with her brothers. Do not fret my love, she will be safe," Loki tried to reassure you.

"Oh so now you are being nice to me?" you snapped out.

"I walked back in to find you attempting to stand up! That is the sixth time you have collapsed in the last month, not to mention those chills you have been getting."

Taking a glance at the worried look on his face you realised that maybe you had been a bit harsh. "I'm sorry. It's just that we finally get to come back and the first thing I see is the healing rooms and I'm alone."

Loki stopped and pulled you towards him, attempting to kiss you, made more difficult by the baby. "I am sorry too. I should not have left you alone, but in my defence I did not think you would wake that quickly, normally you are out for hours."

"I forgive you. Now let's go see how dusty our rooms are." Wrinkling your nose up at the thought. Loki chuckled as he held out his arm for you to take.

Thankfully the dust wasn't too bad considering how many years it had been but the sneezing fit it gave you though had Loki worried.

Opening the curtains to let some light in Loki took one look outside and pursed his lips. "Well that is going to cause some questions."

"What?" you asked and made your way over, taking a look for yourself. "Oh."

The weather had been nice and sunny when you had arrived and now there was currently a storm howling outside; even with you wearing your bracelet. You both agreed to keep the knowledge it was you to yourselves. Only Thor knew and you had hoped he hadn't put two and two together.

The next problem was trying to work out where the children were going to sleep. Odin did not know about the twins and no extra rooms had been provided for you both and with the current extra guests that had arrived to attend the feast there were apparently no spare rooms. You thought about asking anyway just in case there was one but Loki had stopped you, he did not want anyone knowing till the day of the feast so the cot moved back to your room and a couple of bunks appeared in the extra bedroom for now.

You did want to question why the cot was in with you when Loki could have just changed it but decided it wasn't worth the argument. He did make an off hand comment about talking to Odin to get permission to stay longer though.

Deciding to leave the children with Thor for a couple more hours you told Loki you were going to have a bath. He had only laughed and told you to enjoy while he went to find some lunch for you both.

Coming back in the room Loki did not see you, guessing you were still in the bath he put the tray of food down and went to try and coax you out. Leaning on the door frame he watched you as you soaked in the bath, the baby must be sitting against your back again as he noticed the tension you had been carrying was gone.

"Before you ask, I'm not getting out."

"You need to eat before you get hangry again," Loki commented as he smirked at you. Counting in his head three, two, one...

"I do not get hangry! You try carrying a baby, it's hard work!" you said with a bit of bite turning around to face Loki annoyance written all over your face.

"You were saying?" Giving you a smile as you pouted. "Next time."

"How will that work?" you asked. "If you haven't noticed, unlike you I can't change."

"Hmm true, guess you are stuck carrying them my love. Now I have brought lunch and you need to eat."

"Do I have to get out?" you whined.

"Guess not," he shrugged, "but do you really want to eat in the bath?"

"If it means I can stay in then yes, I am eating here."

Loki just shook his head with a smile as he went to get the tray.

The Princess of Asgard (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now