Chapter One

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Following the rocky passageway between worlds Frankie pushes himself to his feet. Dusting few crumbles of dust from his attire. He reaches for his suitcase and tightly grips its lever. The sun is starting to brighten the sky by the time Frankie arrives at the Gilbert house in Mystic Falls. It's early but still close enough to wake up time. Standing on the porch Frankie debates whether to knock or wait for someone to leave and open the door. Because he doesn't really mind camping on the porch until later in the morning. He takes a deep breath, then raises his fist and knocks on the door. He gives them a few minutes to come to the door. He can be patient and they are greiving, besides the sun still isn't out yet. Deciding not to wait a second longer, Frankie shrinks down to the size of an ant. He flies up to the keyhole and zips through and into the house. His eyes scan across the dark living room as he returns to his human size. He was expecting glooming auras in the house. But what he didn't expect was to find a strange old man sleeping on the couch. He glances over the man's face. Yeah, he definitely doesn't know who this guy is. Perhaps, some homeless guy his cousins gave sanctuary. He pokes the man's face. Out of curiousity. He wakes a little, looking up at Frankie. He raises an eyebrow at the man.

"Hey." Frankie greets, the man shifts a little. Clearly still a bit asleep.

"Hi" He greets back. Frankie tilts his head. The man jerks up, finally actually awake and aware of the teenage boy that was watching him sleep. Which is kind of weird. He thinks he knows who this is from the drawings, writings and photos around the house. Most of which are really old. Frankie folds his arms over his chest. "Urm... Elena!" The guy calls out. Footsteps hurry down the stairs causing both Frankie and the man to look towards the sound's source. Pure happiness spreads across Elena's face seeing her little cousin standing in their living room. Where they used to play and draw together.

"Frankie!" Elena exclaims, happy and a bit suprised. Jeremy follows behind Elena down the stairs, a huge grin of excitement occupying his face.

"Hello, young muggles." He jokes with a smile. "Was I missed?" Elena hurries to him and buries him in a tight, warm hug. Frankie chuckles and hugs back. He gives Jeremy a look. "You've gotten taller." He informs Jeremy who nods in agreement.

"Maybe more so than you."

"Don't push it, Remy." He offers, with a playful tone. "By the way, who's the guy?" He questions, putting out the man on the couch.

"That's... Alaric... Jenna's..."

"Oh." Frankie realizes and then scrunches his nose a bit. "Ouch." He looks at Alaric. Frowning with teary eyes. "I'm sorry... about... Jenna." He tells him softly.

"Thanks. You too. Considering, Jenna and... your dad." Alaric offers and cringes a bit. Frankie hums and nods.

"I'm Frankie." He introduces, holding out his hand, Alaric nods. And shakes his hand.

"Yeah, I figured that out... " He motions to Frankie's hair. "The orange highlights kind of gave you away." He looks between the family and clears his throat. "Urm... I'll put on some tea. And, leave you guys to catch up." He mumbles, leaving the living room for the kitchen.

"Awkward question" He starts "With Jenna... dead... Why is the strange adult man sleeping on the couch?" He tilts his head to the side. Feigning a look of confusion.

"He's like an uncle" Elena urges "And he's grieving, he needs people who care about him." She answers with a slight shrug of her shoulders. "Plus, he's reliable... and a safety precaution" She adds.

"In this state, I doubt he could protect a mouse, let alone himself or someone else." Frankie states his opinion, raising an eyebrow at Elena.

"Do you need me to blow up the air matress?" Jeremy inquires.

"No." Frankie answers. "Hopefully, I won't be sleeping in your room."

"But you always stay with me" Jeremy points out. Not entirely sure how to feel about them not sharing a room anymore. Everytime Frankie comes over, they've shared a room for as long as he can remember. It makes him feel less lonely. So, he doesn't know if he should be happy or sad about it.

"We're teenagers now. We have raging hormones and we're growing boys. I don't think we need to be sharing a room." Frankie argues. "I was hoping I'd be able to take Miranda and Grayson's old room. If it isn't a problem with you guys." Elena gives him a sad smile.

"Ofcourse not. You're always welcomed."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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