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Fawn has been busy with her work of guarding and grooming animals in the field, so Frankie actually spends a lot of his time alone in their big hut. His day has been easy and a bit busy. Which wasn't exactly unusual for him in Neverland. Unless, danger showed up. However, today's danger manifests in the form of heartbreaking bad news. His dad was dead. Sacrificed himself for his daughter, Frankie's older sister, Elena Gilbert. Loathing, jealousy, hatred and disgust. Frankie was overwhelmed with by the maelstrom of emotions. Recently, grief has become a trend for him. Losing his brother last week and now... his dad. Fate has it out for him it would seem. He zips his suitcase close. He has everything packed now. Packed to leave the only home he's known for the past eleven years. Wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead he pushes the suitcase to the ground. Hoot. Frankie looks over to the windowsill. A white almost snow-like owl sits on it with a scroll in it's claws. The owl drops the letter and flies off. Frankie groans as he pushes himself to his feet and moves to the white scroll. He looks over the stamp, it has intricate designs and the print of Queen Clarion. Whatever is contained on the scroll is important. He lets out a breath and debates with himself whether or not he should let it gather dust or if he should read it. But curiousity always gets the better of him. He tears pass the stamp and rolls out the scroll. His eyes quickly scanning every word on the page. He scoffs and throws the scroll into the trash chute. 

"I'm not going to Mystic Falls" Frankie starts pacing. "Queen Clarion has gone crazy. But then again, she is the queen. So, I can't deny." Frankie groans and pulls the strap of his suitcase up. He walks out of the hut. The sun blaring into his face. He squints his eyes. Allowing them to adjust to the bright light. He takes off his jacket. The wings sprouting outwards from his back. He lets out a breath and smiles. He takes his suitcase into his arms. Fluttering his wings as he rises up from the ground. 

Frankie places his feet on the tree branch. Balancing himself. He walks deeper into the tree, towards its center. The fairy dust waterfall-like fountain greets him. Queen Clarion, Fawn and all of his fairy godmothers are present. Vidia is pacing. Rosetta is crying into a rose bouquet. Iridessa has a warm smile on her face but Frankie can sense the distress. Periwinkle is standing under an umbrella that imitates snow falling onto her. Silvermist has a cloud raining over her. She pushes it away from herself and gives Frankie a smile. Fawn is holding an egg and Queen Clarion is just stood beside her. 

"Um... what's going on?" He asks them, drawing out the question a little.

"How much do you know of your half-sister?" Clarion asks him. "Did your father ever talk about her with you?" Clarion folds her arms behind her back. Giving Frankie a stern look. Frankie lets out a breath.

"He... spoke about her." He answers. "A bit." He adds and shrugs. "All he would tell me is that my sister was special and that's about it. He wanted his visiting time to focus on just me... and Anthony." He looks down. The roses in Rosetta's hands decay. She chuckles nervously and throws them to the ground.

"Your sister is special. She's supernaturally special." Clarion corrects him. He tilts his head with a deep frown. "She is what is known as a doppelganger. I am sure you've read about it in the books?" Frankie nods. Doppelgangers were identical copies of the very first immortals. Created by Mother Nature as a way to balance the impurity created alongside immortality. "She has also gotten herself... tangled in supernatural problems pertaining vampires."

"Vampires?" He questions and then scoffs because of the tone Klarion has chosen to use with him. Clarion has never spoken down on him like this before. She's always been respectful and motherly to him. "Please, stop talking to me like I'm still that five year old you welcomed ten years ago." Frankie argues and moves closer to them, folding his arms over his chest.

"Francisco Christopher Gilbert!" Fawn warns him, not liking the tone he's using. But he is right to be upset. His father has kept things from him. His father who drilled honesty into him and Anthony for sixteen years. And now Clarion is talking to him as if he is stupid.

"I'm sorry. It's just... I didn't expect my dad to hold out on this kind of information." He defends himself and then turns to Queen Clarion. "Please" He softens his tone. "Whatever it is... "

"We just want'cha to be prepared for the... things in Mystic Falls." Rosetta answers. "You are the last halfling in hundreds of years and my fairy godchild."

"Our fairy godchild." Iridessa corrects her.

"Right. Point is; be careful out there. I don't want to have to put such a cute face into the ground." Rosetta pinches his cheek. Vidia slaps her hand away from him.

"You're going to make him all red in the face! He has to look tough so the vampires don't think he's food."Periwinkle rolls her eyes and Tinkerbell chuckles a bit beside her. Vidia runs her hands through his hair. Silvermist giggles.

"Now he looks like a chipmunk." Frankie groans. Tinkerbell and Periwinkle pulls the ladies away from him. Frankie turns around. Sensing a disturbance of sorts. A build up of energy forms in the center of the tree. The portal between worlds is about to be upon them. Clarion looks down at the tree's design. Several intricate detailings of the tree glowing with the gold energy.

"Ladies... say your goodbyes. The portal is opening." Clarion informs them. The girls break free of Tinkerbell's hold and rush forward. Squeezing Frankie into a tight warm hug. The fairies all part ways and push Fawn forward. Giving her and Frankie space. Fawn moves over to him.

"Be careful, Little Squirrel. And... don't let those vampires consume your light." She places the egg in his arms. "Care for it. She will grow into an elegant being." She kisses his forehead. He smiles despite his teary eyes.

"Water works aren't allowed." Vidia speaks up with a stern look. Quickly wiping away her tears. Frankie nods and chuckles a bit and walks into the portal. The gateway of gold energy seeming to pull him in. His wings retreating into his form. The intricate swirling gold energy of the portal pushing him around like a cyclone.

(1) Fairy Galore (S.Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now