chapter one

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"are you sure?" i asked hesitantly.

Jake Johnson and Chris Woltman stood before me and simply laughed.

"of course we're sure!" Mr. Woltman replied. "you're a wonderful performer, and we would love to have you open for the band on this tour."

i was screaming internally, but i tried to keep my cool and calm exterior.

"okay, well, thank you so much!" i replied.

"anytime, my friend," Mr. Johnson smiled at me. "here, let's exchange numbers and we'll find a time for you to meet the band, alright?"

"sounds great, sir!"

"please, just call us Chris and Jake," Chris laughed.

"oh, alright! thank you guys so much again! i've never toured with such a big name as Twenty One Pilots, and for the whole tour? just, wow. thank you for the opportunity!"

both men laughed again, "we're honored to have you on the team, (y/n)," Jake clapped my shoulder.

once we exchanged numbers, i was on my way home.

i can NOT believe that just happened, i thought to myself.

i didn't think the tour manager and head manager of Twenty One Pilots would reach out to me of all people to be the opening act for their upcoming tour!

i mean, i have a following. not too big, but not completely unknown either. i didn't think i was big enough for Twenty One fucking Pilots, though.

who cares, it's happening. i'm getting my name plastered right next to one of the biggest names in alternative music, not to mention my favorite band of all time.

ok, so, i may be a bit of a super fan.

i've been listening to their music before Josh even joined the band. Twenty One Pilots inspired me to make my own music. i mean, i had always been a singer, but i never knew if i wanted to pursue it or not. but, once i heard the band's self-titled album, i knew i wanted to make something of my own.

and now, here i was, performing alongside them. it was crazy.

anyway, i got home quite quickly, living in New York City only a few blocks away from the building where the record label was located.

i lived in a cozy two-bedroom apartment, which was quite expensive in NYC, but thanks to being signed by Exploding in Sound and having a decent listener base, i could just barely afford it while still making ends meet.

as soon as i walked in the door, i plopped myself on the couch with a huff, processing what had just happened.

i was going to meet Tyler and Josh.

i got up and began running around my apartment in excitement.

might as well get it out now so i don't embarrass myself in front of them, i thought.

i ran, i screamed, i jumped up and down, got all my excitement out. well, most of it, anyway.

that's when i got the text.

Chris Woltman

Hey! It's Chris from Fueled By Ramen! Just wanted to see if tomorrow at noon works for you? To meet the guys, I mean.

i read the text carefully, making sure to take in every word.

i was going to meet them tomorrow.

needless to say i had more energy to exert after that.

well, tomorrow came, and i was very excited.

i woke up bright and early, getting ready for the day.

i pulled on my black full tank binder, sliding on a t-shirt and then a black hoodie, layering it with a yellow flannel. It was late February, and in NYC it was cold as hell, at least to me, so i had to bundle up. after pulling on my packing boxers, i picked out some dark beige cargo pants and a pair of yellow converse to match the flannel.

i fussed with my hair for quite a bit before getting it just right, brushed my teeth, and put on deodorant. once i was done with all that, i grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys and walked out the door.

it was a beautiful, crisp February day, great day to meet your idols. i tried not to think about it too much, i didn't want to get overwhelmed and nervous. so, i just began my trek to the local coffee shop around the corner. it was a bit pricey, but it tasted so good, and i always liked to support local businesses over large corporations.

i stepped into the warmth of the coffee shop, prepared to get my usual, but something strange happened instead.

i got recognized.

"hey, you're (y/n), right? (y/n) (y/l/n)? you sing Touch-Tone Telephone!" a kid who looked about 18 asked me.

"um, yeah, that's, uh, that's me," i managed to stutter out.

"oh my god! this is so cool! do you think i could get a picture?" they beamed.

"yeah! of course." they got out their phone and i put my arm around them gently, posing for the picture.

"this is so awesome! thanks so much, (y/n)!"

"no problem, kid," i smiled.

well, that made my day exponentially better, i thought.

i got my coffee and returned home, smiling all the way.

someone had actually recognized me! that had never happened before.

maybe i did deserve to be on the same stage at Twenty One Pilots.


once i arrived home, i kicked off my shoes and made my way to my recording room. i wasn't going to actually record anything, i just wanted to play through a few of the songs i knew i was going to perform every night, like Touch-Tone Telephone, Cabinet Man, Two Trucks, and probably Jaws and Aurora Borealis.

Jaws is dead. long live Jaws, i was singing in my head as i walked.

Chris had suggested we meet at Roberta's, a great pizza place in Bushwick.

Chris said he had made a reservation, and, if i got there first, i should just tell them i had a reservation for 5 at noon under the name Chris Woltman.

so, that's what i did.

i sat at the table for only a few minutes before Jake got there, joining me at the round table on the back patio.

"where are the others?" i asked him.

"oh, Chris is helping Tyler and Josh find the place. you'd think after coming here for so many tours they'd know the place better," he laughed.

i laughed along with him, and we enjoyed some simple small talk, and then the topic of getting recognized came up.

"oh, i actually got recognized for the first time today!" i said excitedly.

"really? the first time? i would have expected you to be more well known, especially in your hometown.

i shrugged, "i don't mind. it's not really about that kind of stuff for me. i just enjoy performing."

"man, you sound like Tyler and Josh," Jake laughed again.

speak of the devil, the patio doors slid open and out stepped three men.

i was so not as prepared as i thought i was.

Sunburn // Josh Dun x trans! male! readerWhere stories live. Discover now