Sickness🤒 (Modern/human au!)

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No, this isn't a continuation of Crunchychip being extremely sick, but this is Wildberry being sick! Not being near death type sick, just a bad cold. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing for you guys♡

Wildberry POV

I woke up, feeling groggy like I usually do when I wake up, but this was a different type of groggy. My throat burned and I felt like vomiting, I was sweating a bunch and my vision was a bit blurry. I sat up to try and get my day started but suddenly I got this excruciating headache!

Then I start to think, 'No way... No way I'm sick. I'm barely exposed to cold and it's literally summer, everyday!' I get up to go to the bathroom, ignoring that annoying headache. I look at myself in the mirror, and oh my fucking god. I know everyone doesn't look their best in the morning but what the fuck!? My eyes have very noticeable bags underneath them, my hair is sticking to my forehead due to all the sweat and my lips and nose are dry as hell.

Then I feel this awful sticky feeling in my throat, like I need to cough out something, so I did. I coughed in my elbow (because who doesn't?) ,and when I pulled back there was this clear yucky stuff that came out my mouth. It looked similar to snot. 'Oh my fucking god..' I think, as I continue to look at the yak that just flew out my mouth.

It's starting to get unbearably hot in here, but my ac is blasting. I have got to take a shower but my body feels way to heavy to take off my clothes right now. So I turn of the shower, twisting the nob so the water can be cold, I don't usually take cold showers but it's way to hot. As Im going in, I slip backwards right onto my back, it hurt but the water felt good.

A few minutes in, I can feel myself getting really tired. My eyelids start dropping and my vision couldn't be more blurry. I end up passing out right then and there with the cold shower still on, keeping me cool.

Crunchychip POV

I could not be happier today! After working at my job so hard, I got a ton of vacation time! Now I get a chance to visit my boyfriend, Wildberry, to see how he's been doing. I stopped at the bakery to get him something, I know he loves baked goods. I get him a cherry pie because I don't really know his favorite but it's something!

I get to his house and pull out the spare key he gave me, because why would he not?

"Hello? Wildberry?" I call out into the awfully quiet house.

It's always so tidy in here, everything is in the same place from when I was here before. But he didn't answer my call, weird. As I walk up the stairs to look for him, I hear the shower running. I open the bathroom door and... what the hell..?

I see Wildberry there laying in the tub, he looks pretty much dead!

"Wildberry!! Bubs, are you okay?!" I shake him awake after turning off the shower.

"Huh..? What?" He sleepily responded, looking very much confused about his whereabouts.

"Wake up! You're soaking wet! Are you crazy or something?! What is up with you?!"

3rd Person

Crunchychip was asking too many questions at a time, making Wildberry even more confused.

"Wait slow down.." He slowly sits up from his slumped position.

His body feeling even heavier than before due to his clothes being soaked in cold water. He started looking around confused like he was trying to connect the dots. Then he remembered, he woke up sick and wanted to take a shower! But he didn't remember why he got in here with his clothes on, or why he was so hot. But he knew he wanted to turn the shower back on.

"I... I think I'm sick.."



"No shit! C'mon, get up and go get changed. I'll be the one to take care of you!" Crunchychip said proudly, putting his right hand on his heart like he was promising that he'd be the one to take care of him.

Wildberry slowly got up and stumbled to his room, almost tripping while getting there. His head was pounding while he was changing, the pain was absolutely excruciating. However, he did feel better after getting out of those wet clothes.

"I'm going to the pharmacy to get you some medicine! I'll be right back!" Crunchychip yelled from downstairs.

Wildberry lied down in his bed. It felt way softer now that he was tired, so he eventually went to sleep.

As Crunchychip was walking to the pharmacy, he was watching a tutorial on YouTube, 'How to Properly Take Care of a Sick Person'. But if you asked him if he knew what he was doing, he would say yes without a thought.

Hey guys! How've y'all been? I've been pretty good myself. Part two is coming up either next week or next month, you never know with me. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this.

I know I haven't been posting daily and I have no excuse for it, but sometimes I just don't feel like writing. But I'll see you guys next post so don't forget to vote! Cya❤️❤️

✨Wildchip oneshots✨Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora