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(Y/n) tried to comfort the distressed Poppy as Dogday tried to make sense of what happened. Just as the (Y/n), Poppy, and Dogday descended to the lower levels, Kissy Missy was attacked. By who? They couldn't say before they could get to Kissy the hatch over the hole closed, trapping the three inside the only way they could go was down. So they continued down.

BB was resting on (Y/n)'s head quietly empathizing with Poppy. It would seem that the prototype just wanted to prove that it could also take someone they cared about away without thinking twice. Dogday gently stroked Poppy's hair as she slowly regained her composure. "We won't let the prototype get away with this. We'll make him pay.." Poppy hissed, standing up and wiping away her tears. "Hopesong said BB had a map to guide us to The Hub" (Y/n) nodded and looked at BB, who pulled down their zipper, pulling out a piece of paper and giving it to (Y/n). (Y/n) hummed, "she said she'd meet us halfway, so better keep an eye out." (Y/n) looked at the paper that had the directions on it.

The elevator stopped when the three reached the bottom. (Y/n) stepped off the platform carefully, the smell of death, and the tense feeling of dread suffocated the air. The labs barely had any functioning lights, leaving many places pitch black and unknown. Poppy grimaced. "It's impressive that she's been down here for ten years... I would've lost my mind for that long," Poppy quietly spoke, standing beside (Y/n). Dogday sniffed around a bit before humming. "We should start moving. Hopesong mentioned there were creatures down here, so we shouldn't stay in one place for long." Poppy and (Y/n) nodded, and they walked into the labyrinth that was the labs.

(Y/n) had never been in the labs. They were a simple caregiver, so although they had a loose idea about the labs and what they did, they never really knew anything in detail, just the bare minimum for their job. But seeing it now with dry blood paining the walls, debris covering the floor, and the left behind tools and devices made it even worse to be there. Now that they knew all the horrors, so many people went through here.

(Y/n) paused hearing a soft scratching noise "Angel are you ok?" Dogday tilted his head when he saw (Y/n) stop in their tracks."Something is near us.." they mumbled, looking around, pausing when they saw a silhouette.

(Y/n) squinted their eyes, and then they widened in horror. "we need to run..." The creature snapped its head to them upside down it was an amalgamation of an owl toy and puggapiller with black ooze dripping from its smiling beak. It screeched and ran at them. "RUN NOW!" Was the last thing (Y/n) said as the trio started to run for their lives.


Hopesong walked the empty halls in silence. Her baseball bat held close just in case this was it she was finally going to see the person that was able to kill Huggy Wuggy, Mommy Longlegs, and Catnap. She practiced what she would say and made sure she looked presentable the best she could, being that she had been stuck in the labs for so long and had to run from cannibalistic toys on the daily.

Hopesong took a deep breath, and her heart was racing. This was the first time she'd met anyone who wasn't trying to kill her or was a small toy. It was overwhelming, and her thoughts spiraled with anxiety and worry. What if she made a bad impression? What if she made a fool of herself? What if they were going to kill her because she was a bigger bodies toy? She tried shaking those thoughts away. She couldn't think like that she had to be optimistic.

Hopesong turned a corner and paused, hearing screeches and yells in the distance. Her savior was here, and they were being attacked. Hopesong got her bat ready and ran in the direction of the yelling. She hoped she wasn't too late. "Hold on tight, I'm coming!"


Dogday ran as fast as he could from the creature as it screeched and roared at them. He picked up Poppy, and she held on tight to his shoulder. (Y/n) was running beside him with BB holding into their neck. They turned a corner only to stop. "Shit- dead end!" (Y/n) looked at where they came from, and the creature stalked forward, letting out wheeled growls. Dogday stood in front of (Y/n) and growled at it, willing to fight it if he had to.

The creature reeled back about to attack when it heard a loud banging. The creature snapped its head to the sound, and there stood Hopesong banging a piece of metal with her baseball bat. "Hey ugly! Over here!" She baited it backing away a bit. Dogday stared at Hopesong he finally found her, or she found them. He took note of her missing wing, shortened hair, and how exhausted she looked. But all he wanted to do now was hold her close and protect her from the world, but he snapped out of it when the creature screeched and ran at Hopesong. "Hopesong! No, don't! HOPESONG!" Dogday yelled for her as Hopesong ran for her life as the creature followed close behind.

Hopesong looked around until she saw a large metal gate. She gritted her teeth, pushing herself to run faster as the creature reached for her. It was about to grab her until she veered left to where the button is, the creature skidded forward onto the other side of the gate. It turned and let out one last screech when Hopesong pressed a button, and the gates slammed closed.

Hopesong breathed heavily, wiping her head "Geez...That one had a lot of fight -" She paused at hearing rapid footsteps and a familiar voice that rocked her to her very core. A voice she had longed to hear.


Dogday looked at his daughter, who looked at him with wide eyes. Here she was, the person he had longed to see the most when he craved death. The person he thought was dead. The person he vowed to protect all those years ago. Hopesong knew it she knew he was alive and that she wasn't the last that she wasn't alone. That the person she wished she could hear once more call her his 'little pegasus' now stood before her.

Hopesongs lip trembled, and she ran forward tears streaming down her face. "PAPA!" Dogday also ran forward, opening his arms."HOPESONG!" And just like that, the two embraced each other Dogday twirled Hopesong around and held her tight and close like she was the most precious thing in the world. Hopesong hugged him just as tight, burying her face into the fur on his chest. The two sobbed out their happiness and let out stuttered apologies and reassurance. They were just happy to finally be in each other's embrace.

(Y/n), BB, and Poppy stayed on the side watching the two reunite they didn't say anything plans to kill the prototype. they could wait. Right now, a father and daughter needed this moment.

Dogday stroked her hair, resting his chin on her head. "Oh my little girl...My little pegasus, I thought I lost you.." Hopesong sobbed."I thought I lost you!" She exclaimed, looking up at him. Dogday held her cheek, looking her in the eye before pressing their foreheads together. "My sweet girl, I'm never letting you out of my sight again!" Hopesong chuckled, closing her eyes."Right now, I don't want to go anywhere else, I missed you so much, Papa," she whispered. Dogday rubbed her back, tears running down his face, staining his fur. "I missed you too, my everything.." he whispered back, keeping her close.

He finally found his sunshine

With father and daughter finally reunited, they can finally start their plan on destroying the prototype. But sacrifices will have to be made, and the father will not lose his sunshine. No matter the cost.

(A/N: I decided to post a second chapter today because I will be unable to post tomorrow, so have this chapter early! I'll resume the normal schedule after tomorrow!)

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