Shot in the Dark

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Dogday had never considered himself to be clingy of Hopesong. Protective? Sure, he can be protective of her considering she is his daughter but clingy? Never. Why was he thinking about this? Dogday had been holding Hopesongs hand the entire time she led them to the hub and would pull her into a protective embrace at the slightest sound. After doing that a few times, Poppy told him to "Stop being so clingy," and that's where he became stumped.

Even (Y/n) had to admit he was being clingy, but how could he not be? For ten years, he thought his daughter was dead killed by Catnap like his friends and the workers, and for ten years, he stewed in self-hatred and guilt that he didn't save his sunshine, protect her like he promised, and now here she was missing and eye and wing because he didn't do anything to save her from that pain. So he rationalized this protectiveness as just making sure he didn't break his promise.

He was not going to lose his sunshine again. He was pulled from his thoughts when Hopesong pulled her hand out of his hand. "There is the Hub!" He looked at what Hopesong was pointing at and saw a metal door that was shut. She pressed a button on a remote, and the door opened. He was impressed that Hopesong established herself in what looked to be a secured area. But you could never be too careful.


Hopesong led the three into one of the conference rooms she made into a work area. "I assume BB showed you all the tape I sent?" (Y/n) nodded."Ya, you said you had a plan on killing the prototype?" (Y/n) had to admit they were impressed by The Hub it was small with only three rooms, but it was a functional living space for Hopesong to stay in. Hopesong had introduced the little ones to them when they entered The Hub, and the little ones were small Huggy Wuggy toys, some Cat bee toys, some Candy Cat toys, and even a Bron toy. The little ones were skeptical of them at first but slowly got used to their presence.

Hopesong soon pulled (Y/n) out of their thoughts when they pulled something from a workbench. "Yup! But for my plan to work, I'll need help." She smiled and showed them the Green Hand Cannon."This should help us in turning the prototype into mush." Poppy was surprised, looking at the contraption, "Wow, you made this?" Hopesong nodded."mhm, while I was down here, I noticed that the prototype doesn't like being near anything electrical it avoids it like the plague, so I made this it's supposed to contain so much electricity that when shot at the prototype it will explode from the amount of electricity" (Y/n) scratched their head in thought "did you test it?" Hopesonf shivered "twice, and well, I ended up being the one dealing with an explosion. " Dogday went rigged."Wait, what?!" Poppy soon hushed him, wanting Hopesong to continue.

"Anyway, I'm sure this time it will do what I made it to do but I can't get close to the prototype without it trying to kill me, so that's where you come in (Y/n)" she pointed at (Y/n) who raised a brow in confusion "You'll distract the prototype long enough for me to get the cannon ready. Papa and Poppy, after turning on the power to its lair, will use the wires around where the prototypes lair to tie it in place and force more electricity into it. Does it make sense?" Hopesong put the cannon down, looking at the three.

Poppy hummed, "It's worth a shot. Do you know where the prototypes "lair" is?" Hopesong chuckled."I've been down here for ten years it wasn't hard to find where that thing was staying to make its body." Poppy nodded and was going to ask more when Dogday stepped forward placing a hand on Hopesongs shoulder "uh ya um...Maybe we can adjust the plan to where...You stay here and we go to the prototype?" Hopesong was caught off guard "Papa I'm not staying behind you three don't know how to use the cannon, it's too heavy for (Y/n) and Poppy, and you will need to keep an eye on them Papa I'm going" she stated firmly "My little pegasus, please we will figure something out but maybe it'd be better for you to stay-" Hopesong stopped Dogdays rambling by raising a hand "I'm not staying behind" she looked at (Y/n) "Can I have a word with you in private?" (Y/n) nodded slightly, taken aback, and followed Hopesong out of the room.

Poppy turned to look at Dogday. "What was that? Why would you ask her to stay behind? She's trying to help us and actually giving us a lead and-" Dogday barked back."I am not letting anything happen to her she has been through enough, and if that thing hurts or...or kills her, do you think I'll be able to live with myself?" Poppy was quiet, and Dogday continued."I lost her once I am not losing my sunshine again, Poppy." Poppy sighed and looked back at the door where Hopesong and (Y/n) left through.


Hopesong brought (Y/n) into what looked like where Hopesong slept and took care of the little ones. A makeshift bed was in the corner with different blankets and pillows. There were a few sewing supplies strewn about the room, and Christmas lights illuminated the room. Hopesong moved some things and sighed. "I need to come clean about something...Important about my plan," she messed with her hair nervously. (Y/n) took note of that "ok? What is it?" (Y/n) asked a bit uneasy.

Hopesong took a deep breath. "I had to connect a cable to the green hand so the electricity wouldn't cause the cannon to explode immediately, but it WILL explode once it is fired. This means that once I shoot the cannon, I will most likely explode when the prototype does" (Y/n) was shocked looking at Hopesong "Hopesong-" she quickly stopped whatever (Y/n) "and I know it's a lot to ask but..Please don't tell Papa about this...Only I can do this I won't let anyone else get hurt because of that thing...Just...Don't tell him about any of this, ok?" (Y/n) wanted to protest. Hopesong was literally going to sacrifice herself. She was literally going through suicide. But any argument died when they saw that one green eye looking pleadingly at them.

With a heavy heart and mind (Y/n) sighed "alright I won't tell him." Hopesong smiled a bit and hugged (Y/n). "Thank you," they quietly embraced, but it didn't last long when chaos erupted outside. The two rushed out and saw the little ones running around in a panic. Dogday and Poppy were just as lost until all four heard banging on the door.

Hopesong felt her heart drop when five metal fingers tore into the metal door and pulled back some of the metal to look inside with one bright red eye.

"I finally found you"

Evil has found its way into the lights home, and with the cost of freedom now spelled in ink. Someone will have to pay the price so others can go see the sky.

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