Puppet with Strings

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(Y/n) rushed after Dogday, who was walking faster than them, his hands balled into fists. "Dogday wait!" (Y/n) grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks "Dogday I understand you're upset, but you need to calm down." Dogday growled and pulled his arm away, turning around to face (Y/n)."My daughter plans on sacrificing herself! She is willing to get herself killed! Don't tell me to "calm down"!" (Y/n) was taken aback but took a deep breath "Dogday listen to me, " they gently held his face, rubbing his cheek comfortingly that seemed to give him pause "I agree that what she is planning isn't the best but yelling and screaming at her isn't going to help, you need to approach this calmly" (Y/n) gave a soft look for Dogday petting his head. That seemed to calm him down.

Dogday took deep breaths, but his mind swirled in anger and fear. His baby planned on getting herself killed and intended to keep him in the dark! Just when he got her back, she planned on deceiving him to go through with this self-sacrifice! How could he not be upset? He couldn't let his baby do this, and he was going to put an end to this plan once and for all.

"I....I need a moment to think alone angel..." (Y/n) was a bit surprised but nodded, understanding he needed a moment to take everything in. They kissed him on the head gently. "I'll catch up to the others... Just be careful, ok?" Dogday nodded, and (Y/n) left him to his thoughts.

How was he supposed to approach this topic with Hopesong? Would she even listen to him? How was he supposed to keep his baby safe? As if a being heard his call, a voice spoke up. He wasn't sure if it was an inner voice or if he was finally going insane but the voice that sounded like him echoed, "You are her father, Dogday. Why not confront her? And take the cannon away? Make her stay behind. Your precious baby will be safe." Dogday listened and considered his inner voices words.

It was worth a shot if it meant keeping his baby safe, then he'll be the bad cop. Hopesong was his entire world, and for ten years, he thought he had lost his sunshine. Never again. He will never lose his sunshine again. Even if he needs to break her trust.


Hopesong hummed, looking around the decrypted hallway. Poppy rested on her shoulder with BB when (Y/n) took Dogday to talk in private. Hopesong wasn't sure what it was about, but she didn't want to pry. Besides, she was sure it wasn't anything bad.

She paused hearing footsteps approaching and turned to see (Y/n) "(Y/n) you finally caught up. Where's Papa?" (Y/n) scratched the back of their head and sighed."He stayed behind to think some more, and he'll catch up. " Hopesong quirked her brow at (Y/n) "uh are you alright? You look more done with this place than before. " Poppy nodded as BB tilted their head, probably wondering the same thing. (Y/n) looked at the three and sighed, knowing they had to come clean. "Well...I um...Sort of..." (Y/n) it took some time, but they finally told the three everything they were discussing with Dogday.

Hopesongs' mouth dropped it would probably fall to the floor if it wasn't attached. "You did what?!" (Y/n) scratched the back of their neck "look I know it sounds bad, but I was only thinking of your safety!" Hopesong scoffed "by going behind my back! I trusted you!" (Y/n) winced, rubbing their arm nervously."I'm sorry, I just thought that he had a right to know." Hopesong turned away, walking a little distance and yelled."COOKIES!" She breathed heavily as Poppy and BB looked at each other.

(Y/n) stayed where they were watching Hopesong slowly calm down. Hopesong let out a stressful sigh and looked at (Y/n) "alright, I'll talk to him where is he?" (Y/n) bit their lip nervously."Maybe that isn't a good idea-" Hopesong glared at them, and they quickly stopped whatever they were going to say. "He's down where I came from," Hopesong nodded, picking up BB and Poppy, placing them on (Y/n)'s shoulders before walking down to where (Y/n) came from.

Poppy hummed nervously. "I have a bad feeling." BB nodded, watching its friends leave


"Papa? Papa, are you here?" Hopesong called out she was worried when she didn't see him. She was sure (Y/n) was talking about here, or were they talking about someplace else? She rubbed her head stressfully. "Papa? Please, I just want to talk. " With still no response, Hopesong turned to leave when she let out a shriek.

Standing behind her was Dogday, who seemed just as startled as she was. "Papa! Don't scare me like that!" She scolded pouting a bit. Dogday chuckled he had missed her pout whenever she was startled. "I'm sorry, my little pegasus, I didn't mean to scare you." he gently patted her on the head before his face turned serious. Hopesong noticed the change and knew this was going to be a long talk.

"Angel told me of your plan, young lady." Dogday crossed his arms, staring down at Hopesong. Her wing twitched nervously. "I'm sorry I hid it, Papa, but I thought it was the only way. I swear if there was a better way, I would've done that" she wanted to ease Dogdays worries but also had to acknowledge that she had no other choice "I didn't want anyone else to be hurt, especially you Papa" Dogdays face softened. She was always empathetic and thought of everyone else's needs before her own, but the words of his inner voice ringed in his ears. He had to keep her safe. No matter what.

Dogday rubbed her cheek, which made her look up at Dogday. "I understand, but you are my sunshine, Hopesong. I thought I had lost you for ten years. I am not going to lose you again, so please just...Stay back let us handle this...I'm begging you, " Hopesong listened to his plea. She was actually considering it, but then she was reminded of all the ones she lost because they were trying to protect her. No more.

"I'm sorry, Papa, but I'm not a child anymore. I'm going with you and the others, and I'm going to be firing my cannon myself. That is my decision you don't have to like it... But I need you to support me. " she looked at Dogday, who remained quiet. Dogday placed his hands on her shoulders and gripped them a bit "....Then I'm sorry for what I have to do" Without warning Dogday shoved her into a room taking her cannon and closing the door locking it from the outside.

Hopesong quickly got over her shock and ran up to the door, slamming her fists into it. "Papa! Let me out of here! Papa, don't do this!" Dogday grew deaf to her pleas as he swiftly made his way to the others, tears going down his face."I'm sorry, but I'm not going to lose you," and with that, he continued with guilt, shattering his heart at her cries.

The prototype watched on from the shadows, letting out a low giggle watching Dogday leave Hopesong behind with the cannon in hand

"Just like a puppet with strings."

With the light now trapped, the evil now has the advantage on the group, and it will be too late for the father to realize what he has done. For betrayal from family hurts more than any knife in the back.

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