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All the boys were carrying their respective instruments, whilst Y/N followed along them to the back door of the venue, excitement brimming from such a new experience, though part of her was fearful of her lack of knowledge of the grunge scene. Her worries showed on her face, and Rodrick took notice of her hesitation. "Hey, Y/N, you looking forward?" He asks her smoothly, as he slows his pace to catch up with the girl. "Yeah, I've just never been to a concert before," She explained to him, paired with a sweet smile as she tried to hide the fear eating away at her. Rodrick gave her a knowing look; he had the upper ground now. "Don't worry," he told her, placing a hand on her back, and patting it gently. "Now, you can be in the crowd, or you can watch us backstage, what sounds best to you?" He questions her, his hand still lingering on her back, sending shocks down her spine. "Backstage, please," She answered gleefully, beginning to get used to his company. Y/N noticed how the moonlight shone against his features, highlighting tufts of his messy hair and how his grin was wide on his face. In fact, his smirk was rather, attractive. Y/N was going a bit red in the face as she intently watched Rodrick speak. She'd never thought a girl like her would ever find a rocker like Rodrick hot. That was when her eyes trailed down from his face to his body, taking note of his rather muscular physique; his left arm gripped his wooden drumsticks. He noticed her glances across his body, an alluring grin curling onto his lips.

Once inside the building, the band headed out to the stage, setting up their gear to the speakers. Y/N and Rodrick were last to enter, stood behind the stage before he ordered her to, "Stay near us, okay? You could get lost." His deep brown eyes stared back into Y/N's, her face showing off her blush at his proximity, nodding up at him obediently. Even with the new look, she was having trouble breaking away from her innocent personality, and being around Rodrick displayed their contrasts. After nodding at him, he noticed the look he gave her yet again, a sense of lustful longing glazing his eyes, though he quickly turned away with his arms crossed. He cleared his throat before rushing off to join the other band members preparations, leaving Y/N in a daze over him. Her feelings confused her greatly, as in the few minutes she'd spent with him, It was clear Rodrick had a trick up his sleeve and now it was up to Y/N to discover his plot.

Suddenly, A loud electric guitar blasted from the front of the stage, as the crowd erupts with noise. Y/N swings around the corner, as Rodrick shouts out to the excited audience, "We are löded diper!" to which Y/N palms her head in disappointment. She had to admit, even if Rodrick was an extremely handsome classmate, he'd have to be one of the more interesting characters she'd met in her life. The band layered the sound of their instruments perfectly, the sound oddly melodic; even if loud. She watched intently as she could feel the vibrations in her chest bounce against her heart, the experience new and thrilling and she loved every second of it from backstage. The way Rodrick was playing passionately impressed her, especially how he flexed his muscles for every fast beat.
Y/N finally realized her feelings, and was crushing hard on Rodrick. It was hard for her to come to terms to, with her burnt hand and amazingly positive reputation that she couldn't tarnish by dating a bad boy like Rodrick. However, she was now becoming witness to the side of Rodrick she'd almost never seen, passionate about music, oddly caring, even when reckless and much deeper than the surface showed. Y/N had to know more about him, but for now, she enjoyed the show.

As the preformance went on and they played more songs, sweat began glistening down Rodrick's temples, putting in a colossial amount of work into the drumming, which paid off to a roaring audience. For a band called 'Löded diper', they were rather professional and skilled, which made even Y/N cheer backstage, which Rodrick took notice off, a proud smile forming onto his features. She saw him turn away from her and mouth something to the lead singer, which Y/N couldn't hear over the crowd, and was becoming more curious to find out what it was. The whole band gave eachother smug looks, like as if they were all interlinked mentally, all thinking the same thought.

"Everybody! Now, we've got a very special song," The lead singer called out, the audience shouting wildly in response to Ben Segal. "This song is dedicated to our lovely guest with us tonight, Y/N!" He finishes, looking back at her behind the stage, signalling for her to look behind him. She's absolutely shocked to the core at finding this out, and is brought to the conclusion she was searching for. Ben Segal pointed to Rodrick sat behind his drumkit, winking at her as his knowing smirk curled onto his soft lips yet again. Her face went bright red, awe-struck by the fact they were preforming a song specially for her. She thought she'd collapse on the spot from a heart attack as it beat quicker than the speed of light. She felt as if she was dreaming, and was soon taken out of the trance when she heard the bassist begin his melody.

The lighting casted a rose pink hue against the band's skin, with some of the crowd clapping along rhythmically to the drumming, though the majority swung their arms to the music. Her eyes began watering at their preformance, feeling so overwhelmed with gratitude towards them as the song went on. It was all just so perfect, and the best concert of her life, so grateful this was her first. She felt her heart melt for Rodrick, so enchanted by his playing, paired alongside the guitarists and singers. Unfortunately, the song eventually came to an end, and the crowd gave it's final explosion of praise, the night an overall success; the boys couldn't have been anymore happier with their hardwork. "Thank you so much for being such a great audience! You've been a great pleasure, stay hot, and rock on!" Ben shouted out triumphantly, before him and the other members left the stage with a clapping audience.

Y/N stood on the spot, feeling like a total idiot. "Oh, wow!" She calls out frantically, shaking on the spot from nerves rushing through her veins. "I don't know what to say! That was just so amazing," She begins to ramble, shaking the edge of her red flannel to cool her down quickly. The band members all chuckle at her reaction, including Rodrick, who was just as hot and flustered as Y/N, wiping some sweat from his forehead. "I'm glad you liked it," Rodrick cheers with a wide grin, the other band mates exhausted, and admittedly smelling way worse than before. "Rodrick, that was seriously so cool! Was that your idea?" She asks him eagarly, her eyes wide like cherry pies as a sweet smile curls ear to ear.
"Of course, and especially after science, you deserved it," He explains sincerely, the other band members beginning to start packing away their equipment into the back of Rodrick's Van. "Well, as well as the world of course," He adds on when confident the others were gone, leaving him alone with a severely bashful Y/N. "But, I just don't understand, you really went above and beyond, just for me?" Y/N asks him curiously, swinging side to side slowly, accidently alluring Rodrick. "Listen, I know it was a bad circumstance for you to get hurt, but either way, I was going to ask you out," Rodrick begins to explain, staring deeply into Y/N's own eyes, a connection growing stronger between the two. "I've liked you for a long time now, ever since the anti-bullying assembly in 10th grade," he chuckles the last part out, hoping she hadn't forgotten. Y/N pauses for a moment, scraping through her memory. "Oh! Of course! You was sat next to me, wasn't you?" She finally answer. "That's right!" Rodrick exclaims gleefully, pointing a drumstick. "Anyway, It's great to know you liked your surprise," He comments gladly. "Rodrick, I loved it!" Y/N proclaimed, bringing him into a tight embrace as she wraps her arms around his neck, no cares left after such a selfless act. Rodrick laughs again, feeling pleased with all his accomplishments that night. "Well, there is more where that came from," He told her in a seductive whisper, one of the arms he'd wrapped around her trailing lower down her back, softly massaging her waist. Y/N was taken aback by the revolation, but part of her wanted to know what he'd ment, and quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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