Sarashina was 9, throughout her life, her father is always absent but always come home drunk meanwhile her mother was always spending their money on drugs. So Sarashina has to go hungry throughout her childhood. She would always hear her parents arguing all the time. Due to her love of reading she decided to go there. Sarashina thought that her parents wouldn't notice so throughout her school life she had gotten fed which made her feel better.
When the after school hours were over, she took a few snacks home in her bag. When Sarashina got home, she heard loud screaming coming from her home before she could enter, she decided to enter in her bedroom window. The next day she decided to go to the library instead of attending her classes which affected her attendance, Sarashina thought that her parents wouldn't care but she was wrong. When she got home, her mother yelled at her & started hitting her, her mother told her that she never wanted her which made her cry & her mother told her to suck it up which made Sarashina snapped at her & ran away from home

Lucas, Layla & Aisha:
When the twins were 6 while Aisha was 3 at the time, the household they're living in is was crumbling apart. Their parents wouldn't stop arguing & ends up one leaving the whole the other stays. It made them clearly upset & they would locked themselves in their bedroom. Mostly their mother kinda cared about them but she's drinks a lot, give them food, care kinda & clothes. One night, Lucas couldn't sleep due to his parents arguing, their mother recently found out his affair & decided to go outside to check when they would stop but what he saw traumatized him. He saw his dad attacked his mom violently & she was screaming, begging her husband not to her kill her. Lucas slammed the door & lock it. Through the next few days, Layla & Aisha haven't found their mom & they were only left with some money by their dad. But he stop for the next few weeks which affected his kids into not having food. Aisha started crying because she was hungry meanwhile both Layla & Lucas tried not to cry because they're the oldest. After 4 days of starvation, the police & CPS came to check their home. When the police found their mother body, they asked the kids for any evidence & that's where Lucas told everything. His sisters were shocked but they understood that he didn't want to traumatize them, so the CPS took the kids into the vehicle & that's when their dad came with his mistress & he was pissed on what's happening but before he could say anything, he got arrested on the spot.

Aurora, Amanda & Aaliyah:
Their parents were abusive toward them, they would beat them for the smallest mistakes that they did, let them sleep outside every night & starve them to death. They would also beat them for defending each others & made them do all the housework. They were only 6 at that time...
They were running low on the bills so they decided to sell their daughters for a lot of money. Their mom made a deal with one for Aaliyah but when they took her out of the bedroom they were sleeping & bring her to their purchaser. Aaliyah's Purchaser ran with Aaliyah in his arms without giving their money. Her "parents" realized they been scammed, they were so mad that they went to the girls room & start beaten the other two. Aaliyah woke up & saw the man who had a drooling look on his face. Aaliyah jumped out of the man arms & started running away, the man grabbed her & pinned her to the ground. The guy was surrounded by a group of people, Aaliyah ran & accidentally bumped into the Emerald Sextuplets who was confused on what going on. Rikora covered up her body while Kyoutaro was bandaging the bleeding. The man tried yelling for Aaliyah but the Emerald Sextuplets defended her & waited for police. A few days went by, their "mom" tried finding another person to make a deal with the next day & she found one. So she & their "dad" called the person who was planning on coming now. She woke Amanda up bc of that. When she dragged Amanda, Aurora grabbed Amanda, begging their mom not to take her other sister too but this made their mom mad & hit Aurora, yelling at her to shut up. When Amanda was taken away, Aurora couldn't stop crying after that, she lost both of sisters & now she all alone, Amanda was tied around her waist by a rope, so she wouldn't escape. That is when she met Tamura & Fujisaki who took her away from her buyer, managed to save her & took her in. A month later, their parents were in debt of bills again, they were struggling how they were able to pay it off. Aurora's Parents organize the deal with another abuser who was wealthy & could help them pay off their debt. Aurora's mom woke her up to take her to her purchaser who was a very old man. Later that night, Aurora was in her room sobbing, missing her sisters & want to eat. When Aurora noticed the window, she grabbed the nearest object & threw at the window causing it to shatter. She didn't care about the cuts she got from the broken glass & fled out, finding her freedom. When she heard the man screaming behind her & demand she come back, she ignored him & continued to run.

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