Devils white rose

472 28 16

Macau was very nervous yet happy to start his university. School life was not that interesting for macau ,he was a bit shy and took time to open up this made him target of bullying .

It's not his entire fault ,he used to be a happy child till the age of 10 before his mother die . His mother was kicked out getting pregnant without a partner.People always shame his mother for carrying a child without a father . He never knew who his father is ,his mother never told him.

For him she was enough ,they were stuggling yet happy till a drunk driver took away his mother life .Nobody came for the funeral and just like that he become an orphan. No one wanted him but for getting child support one of his aunt took care of him.

She was not cruel but neither cared about him . He tried his best to not trouble anyone .

For him life started to end before the beginning but then like a ray of hope came through the way of vegas and Venice.

Well now macau is happy , as much he could be happy.

But still he longed for a friendship who he can gush about everything .

Maybe, just maybe he will get that. Even if not it's fine too .

Hoping for better macau enter through the entrance .He was guided by some seniors to a auditorium where new comers are welcomed .

Suddenly the seats beside him was taken by a two boys . One look at them he can tell they are rich and beautiful . One boy has cheerful aura while other look like bored of everything.

"Hello ,I'm Day and this is my twin brother night .what's your name ?what course you are doing?I like it here ,Are you excited ?why are you not saying anything ?.

He started throwing question one by one that macau feels overwhelmed on one hand he was happy that someone is talking to him but at the same time he is not used to it .He doesn't want to offend him though .

Maybe sensing his dilemma night slapped his brothers head .

"Stop day ,you are scaring him . first give him time to answer your question. "

This made day to look at macau apologetically .

"I'm sorry , I can be a bit chatty ".

Macau felt comfort aura around them .

"It's okay, im macau and I'm in art department specializing on sculpturing ".

"Aww we are in same department,we can be best friends but I'm into designing and night is on medical department ,still it's alright we can meet up with him on breaks ".

Before macau could reply the professors and heads come for the welcoming and introduction .

(Few Hours later)

Currently they are sitting on cafeteria. After the initial speech and things macau wad dragged by day to here while night and sea was calmly following them .

Sea was another addition who Day befriended .she is a half thai and can match with day energy with more sass and they hit it off quickly .

Day had already created a group for them . Unlike day and sea who loves to talk night was calm and quiet just like him despite his nonchalant face he care through action and Macau felt accepted for the first time.

Suddenly few figures entered there and the atmosphere changed into a chilly one . And some of the student's started whispering between .

Looking for the cause of tension macau was met with the most attractive eyes he have ever seen that sculptured on a greekgod .

Being a sculpture student and gay macau know a handsome men when he seen one . But this not the same feeling . He is killer attractive with beautiful green eyes.

Macau wanted to sculpt him but the aura around him was dangerous .so he looked away before he got caught .

When he gazed at his friends they are already looking at him which made him sheepish for getting caught .

While day were smirking at him sea was looking at him in amusement and concern .

"Looks like someone has a crush "

"No,it's not like that ,I'm just curious". He tried to defend himself.

"I hope it's only that cau ,they are not someone who you should associate ". Sea said in a serious voice.

"Why?" It was night this time ,Can't blame him for the curiosity.

"Haven't guys heard about theerapanyakuns ?".

Night and Day nodded at her while I sat cluelessly which made them all stare at me shockingly .

"Aww ,my poor baby ,you are untainted one aren't you ?sweety they are the mafia who rules the underworld here ." Whispered Day shocking me .

"Well ,that guy is Gio theerapanyakun the youngest one ,he is known as the devil .if you dare to breathe in his direction you are dead . The two guys beside him is sun and moon part of ayuta clan and his best buddies also known as gun and knife and lastly the only girl of the group sky she is known as venom".

That's when macau noticed the other members .Sun was a blonde guy with a lip tattoo and moon has blue hair with a mole on his cheek both are handsome but not as much the devil and sky is a beautiful one but like all of them her eyes are sharp and cold .

Sun is smaller yet broader than moon and also seems playful .suddenly his eyes got locked on the striking green one he wanted to look away but that gaze was commanding and intense pinning him to not look away . The buzz of his phone broke him from that spell .

It was his phi vegas checking upon him ,texting him back ,he decided to leave with his friends. Its best to stay away from them, despite the attraction he dont want any trouble in his university life .

It's best he stay away from their path .

But what macau doesn't know that , he has already caught the devil eye ,and there is no escape from it.

Hey ,I hope you guys like this story ,sorry for the late update I got sick as my room heater broke I'm not used to france cold . I have brief idea about my characters but can't imagine someone for gios character. Who would you recommend for the devil ?

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