Pride [Part 1]

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     ''Empty your pockets,'' a voice that sends your mind two years into the past causes you to gasp softly, to your annoyance your heart decides to skip a beat and speed up, not a good sign. You are scared to turn around in case that voice does not belong to Levi Ackerman. ''I won't say it again.''  

          You stop a few steps down the stairs that lead to the tunnel which is how you got Above in the first place. You're nervous, but not because you're about to get caught with jewelry you've stolen, you've been caught plenty of times before. You hear steps behind you and the hairs on the back of your neck stand when the draught gets redirected by the man that is approaching you. 

     ''Let's make this easy, you hand over everything you stole and I let you go,'' Levi's voice is quiet, but demanding as ever. You turn to face him and even though there is hardly any light in the stairwell your stomach sinks. You want to throw your arms around him and be held by him, but two years of resentment held against him has rooted itself into your heart and all you can do is scoff. 

     ''I haven't stolen anything,'' lying comes easy to you, growing up Underground taught you to lie. Unfortunately, the one person who had always been able to read you is standing right in front of you. It doesn't stop you from expressing as much defiance with your body language as you can. 

     ''Tch. Empty your pockets,'' Levi takes a step closer to you. His voice had already unlocked plenty of memories you'd locked away, but the strong draught brings a subtle touch of mint into your consciousness. And just like that, many late nights flash behind your eyes. ''You're testing me now, brat.'' 

     ''Since when do the Survey Corps get involved with civilians?'' You still don't move. You have had to deal with the MP way too many times, but something about Levi being brought back to you after all these years makes you want to share a longer moment with him, even if it's unpleasant.

     ''You had a chance to be a civilian, you said no,'' his body language is stiff. More so than what you're used to. ''Empty your pockets, I won't ask again.'' 

     ''I don't belong here, Levi,'' you blatantly ignore his request. He may be a Captain of a squad, but you're not a part of that squad anymore. Levi takes another step closer and the mint becomes a part of your existence. 

     ''Not if you're going to be stealing,'' Levi moves quickly, but with no effort, flawless like always. You don't even register his motion, when you're pressed against the ragged stone wall, your chin pressing against the cold surface and you squirm when your wrists bend dangerously behind your back. ''I warned you, brat,'' his lips nearly touch your ear, there is not an ounce of anger in his voice. He sounds as annoyed as always. 

     ''You're quicker than those pigs from MP,'' you can barely talk, each word is accompanied by a shallow cut of a sharp stone into your cheek. You attempt to kick Levi's shin, your death sentence is signed already, you might as well go down fighting, but he cuts off your attempt to fight him by pushing his knee into the back of your thigh and kicking your leg to the side, making it difficult for you to use any force. You feel Levi's body press against you and you betray your trying to act cool by inhaling sharply. 

     ''I have a nice cell for you, if you keep this up, Curls,'' Levi's voice drops and you can tell that he's not joking. His body is pressing you roughly against the wall and your present gets overshadowed by the past once more when he mentions the name he used to call you.

     ''Do you remember the last time you had me against this wall?'' Levi shifts behind you and your ears tingle when you feel him become breathless. Not three years ago he had you pressed against this same wall, only a little further down the steps, where it was dark enough, but you could still hear the busy streets above you. He had demanded that you wear a skirt that night, you had made it yourself and you thought it was way too girly and short. You had never worn it until Levi insisted that you wear it. It was a date of sorts, he had promised to show you stars, he had promised to show you how people date Aboveground, but you hadn't made it further than these damned stairs. 

[18+] Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now