Iron Will

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         You wake up and realize that everybody has left the room without waking you up. Your heart starts to race as you quietly swear at the empty beds surrounding you. You specifically asked Armin to get you out of the bed yes or yes, but as you button your shirt up and nearly break your neck running down the stairs you make it just in time for the grandfather clock in the corner to count to six. Everybody looks at you in amusement, apart form Armin, who looks down to the ground, terrified. You look away, trying to preserve the annoyance for later when you kick his ass.

          As you stand in your spot and try to straighten your shirt and tuck it in your pants, the front door gets slammed open. Levi's presence muffles any sounds that were present in the room, even the birds outside seem to have gone quiet. Captain Levi and Jean both look like they've had a rough night, they've been on look out for half of the night. The house you're using for your hide out is well hidden, but the daily routine is done to perfection, even the most tedious details.

          Levi walks slowly past everyone, but when his eyes fall on you he stops. He is almost a head shorter than you, but the authority exuding from him could bend thousands to his will. You notice a muscle in his jaw twitch but he says nothing. You release a breath that got caught in your lungs when he set his steel grey eyes on you. You had never been smitten by anybody, but there was something intriguing by your Captain that just wouldn't leave your mind to rest.

          You remember the first time he looked at you and how that feeling hasn't left your body since, slight tingling always accompanying you wherever you go. Big part of it could be that he saved you from being eaten. You were about to be grabbed by a 10 foot Titan and in less than 10 seconds Levi had destroyed the creature and swooped you off the ground before its body could hit you. The sensation of his muscular body is still alive in your fingers.

     ''Armin and Mikasa, you're on the lookout until mid-day. Historia is to be accompanied by Sasha and Connie at all times, do you understand?'' Levi turns as a chorus of ''yes sir'' echoes in the small kitchen as he explains what the plan for the day is and assigns more roles to the small team. You wait for your duty, for the last few days you've had to scrub and re-scrub the floors since they never meet Levi's standards, your hands are almost raw from the rough brushes you've been using.

      ''You,'' he stands in front of you with a grim expression, ''you come with me.'' He looks annoyed with something. You had hoped that he will give you a soldier worthy duty, surely your punishment is over by now. ''Dismissed,'' Levi's order to the rest of the squad reverberates through your body, his orders have always hit you differently, but when he stands this close with his eyes locked on yours, you feel your skin get hot. Once everybody leaves, giving you empathetic looks, Levi grabs a metal bucket and scoops some hot coal into it. Probably for his tea.

     ''Come,'' Levi demands and turns towards the stairs. You follow him obediently, the source of his annoyance still a complete mystery to you. He walks to his room and opens the door, waiting for you walk in, his eyes follow you and you could swear he is not blinking. His room looks untouched. You couldn't tell somebody stayed there. You stand in the middle of the room. It's as big as the squad room, the only difference being that there is only one bed and a door that seems to be leading into a private bathroom. Even Levi's desk seems to be untouched. He removes his cloak and places it carefully on the seat.

          The grey shirt he's wearing is just perfectly tight, your fingertips, reminiscent of the feel of his body, rub together firmly, but you stand perfectly still. He stands in front of you, and you realize that he is doing uniform check. You try to think back to when you got out of bed, did you grab the clean shirt? Did you button it properly? Fuck.

[18+] Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now