Seven Days Later

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          After the midnight encounter with Levi you are left craving the man more than you could ever imagine. You had expected that one night of being fucked senseless by the Captain would have helped you with your frustrations but instead it had awakened something in you that you had never expected to feel, an overwhelming need to please him. He had told you to go to him should you ever get dirty thoughts. The problem was that every time you just as much as thought of him you had a painful reminder in the pit of your stomach how good he made you feel and that nothing will ever compare to it.  

          Another problem was that there was no appropriate time to go and see him. Since he never as much as acknowledged outside of his office that anything had changed between the two of you, you just kept going on with your duties. Reliving the night you spent with Levi as you were trying to get through the day was making it difficult for you to focus at times and earned you even more punishment almost daily. It was bad enough that your squad already questioned your disappearance, taking wild guesses as to who you spent the night with, but Levi was acting the same as he had always, pushing you to your limits during training. 

          On top of all that, Levi was going out of his way to remind you what you're missing out on. Conveniently telling you off for putting on your equipment wrong just so he can slide his hands across your thighs while staring you right in the eyes, knowing full well that you're holding your breath just in case you give away your utter addiction to his touch. You did, however, get your own back when one of those times a moan escaped your lips just as he tightened one of the leather attachments. You could see his eyes glaze over for a second and the leather dug painfully in your flesh.  

          You had tried to find an excuse to break off from the squad and go straight to Levi's office whenever you had the chance to, but, every time you thought you could get away with disappearing, someone would cut you off. You knew they didn't do it on purpose, but you were growing more and more frustrated as the days passed. 

          The closest you have come to completely losing your cool in front of the whole squad was when you were chosen for a demonstration to a new technique for hand to hand combat. Levi called you in front of the group. One look at him and you knew that he would push your limits. Your body was already tense from having everyone's eyes on you, but when he proceeded to run his fingers over your skin and applying pressure with two fingers on spots that would be useful to know in a fight, your skin broke out in goosebumps and the animal part of your brain was ready to pounce. 

         The next part involved the actual demonstration. He wasn't going full force, but you ended up on the ground with him straddling your chest, unable to move and for a second you could have sworn Levi had a grin forming at the corner of his lips.  You gave him the most defiant look you could from the position you were in and in return Levi winked at you, which sent your body in a spiral of emotions that hit you hard in your core. He helped you up and his hand lingered on the small of your back for longer than necessary while he ordered everybody to pair up. 

          You were looking for a partner when Bertholdt ended up by your feet on his back and Annie on top of him before Levi had even ordered anybody to start the exercise. The look on Bertholdt's face was too familiar to how you were feeling so you turned away and nearly got knocked down by Reiner's large frame. You apologized but, before you moved on to see if Jean was going to act like your punching bag, Reiner offered to partner up, seeing as his usual partner was currently attempting to struggle out of Annie's grasp. 

          The way Levi froze just in your line of sight when Reiner offered to be your training partner didn't go unnoticed. And when you agreed to partner up, because there was no real reason for you not to, Levi crossed his arms and glared at the two of you with a clenched jaw for most of the training session. However, the look Levi gave you when you ended up on top of Reiner, holding the giant of a man down, is still fresh in your mind as you wash the dishes. That look that told you that you're in trouble the next time he has you alone makes you wonder how long before he asks you to clean his office again.

[18+] Levi AckermanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt