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          Having two cleanliness-obsessed people in the squad might have been entertaining for the others, but Levi's attitude is starting to get to you. Captain Levi's attitude that is. And he never fails to remind you that you're answering to him. If he says that the silverware that you have been polishing for the last 4 hours needs to be polished all over again, you bet your ass you will sit until the small hours of the night, polishing cutlery. It didn't help that all the cleaning was done after strenuous training sessions when all you wanted to do was lie down in the sun and enjoy your free time for a little while. 

          Today, after being beaten up by Mikasa over and over again, you were actually looking forward to your duty of cleaning down the kitchen and organizing the supplies. Kitchen has always been your favorite place to clean, mainly because all the gossip was brought right into the kitchen by food-thieves, especially Sasha, who thought that she was fooling you by distracting you with a loud conversation while clearly shoving whatever food she could get her hands on in her pockets. 

     ''Oi, clean freak,'' Levi's voice is enough to make you wonder what you've done now. Your hand freezes on the door knob to the kitchen and you turn to face your Captain. Your body is already tense, ready to stand your ground - the fucking silverware looked like new after you were done with it at 2am the night before and you're not doing it again. Besides, all you want to hear from him is just one praise. The best you have ever gotten from him was a half a nod and an evening off, but he's always there to tell you off for the most ridiculous details. There was a time he made you deep clean his office because after sweeping the hallway some of the dust had found its way into his office.

     ''At ease,'' his face is as stoic as ever, the glint of amusement doesn't escape your attention though because you're better at reading people than most of those around you who have poured in hours of studying Titan behavior. You stand still, giving him the most defiant look that you can get away with. Pushing his limits has always been your favorite pass time, but then again, that might be the reason you don't get as much sleep as the rest of the Corps.

     ''You're on laundry duty today,'' Levi announces. You groan and your shoulders slouch. Laundry is by far the worst of the cleaning tasks, you much preferred cleaning the stalls, ''the uniforms have started to change color,'' Levi raises his voice slightly when he sees an argument brewing behind your eyes. He has become frustratingly good at reading you recently. You also have been getting the most punishment from all of the Squads. Armin suggested that it's Levi's ability to read you that has gotten you into cleaning duty so often. He also suggested that the reason for that is that you're the only person around here that actually gets invested in cleaning and does it to Levi's standards, but he can't afford to show favoritism. You disagree with Armin, however, and have decided that Levi is an asshole and he will move on from annoying you when he finds another target once you stop defying his authority. And so you count to ten, trying to keep your demons inside you. Sometimes it's easier than others.

     ''But...'' your attempts to argue are cut short by Levi turning away from you and walking off. The way his grey shirt is practically painted on and emphasizes his muscly back freezes you in your spot longer than necessary. Your daydreams have often turned from fantasizing about punching the Captain in his smug face to being pinned against the door of his office and punished  for misbehaving. You bite back the arguments you've already listed in your mind and use all your energy to  keep your mouth shut before he forces you to do two laundry shifts. Doing laundry is pretty bad, doing laundry for more than one day is really bad. You notice Levi turning his head slightly as he keeps walking away, probably expecting you to shout something while he's in your earshot. His hearing is another thing that has gotten you in trouble before. You roll your eyes and head to the laundry room. 

[18+] Levi AckermanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt