I am not ready to live without you.

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Thor was pacing up and down in front of Loki's ward, just as Loki was doing for him the other day. They hadn't brought his brother yet to his cabin. Why won't they bring Loki?

The sound of bed wheels caught the attention of Thor and the other avengers. Thor rushed towards that direction. They were bringing Loki.

The condition of his brother brought tears to the eyes of Thor. Loki was lying still on the bed, pale. They had attached oxygen tube to his nose and a neck support I.e. a cervical collar had been put on him to keep his head at position. His hands were connected to an IV drip. His brother was still unconscious.

Thor lunged towards his brother's moving bed had not Steve and Tony held him back. Thor was struggling to get away from their hold, to reach Loki.

" Brother! Brother! " Thor continuously called. He was almost pleading Loki to awake up.

" Brother ..it's ok..it's ok ..I am here.. you can open your eyes now. Please ...Brother.. wake up...you can't leave me alone again...please...release me Cap! Tony ..how dare you hold me away from my brother! He needs me !"
Thor protested.

" Thor!" Steve said loudly. Thor startled. " I need you to focus and keep calm." Steve continued with a heavy heart, " Your panic won't help Loki. You could have hurt him worse."

The thought of hurting Loki stopped Thor dead in his tracks. He sat down on the benches,his knees gave up.

Hurt Loki. Something he never wanted to do. But he has always hurt Loki. Knowingly , unknowingly, he has always hurt him. Yet Loki sacrificed himself for Thor again and again. First , on Svartflheim. Then on the Statesman. They were saved just in time, otherwise Thor would have lost him that day. And now, his little brother was fighting for his life because he valued Thor's life over his.

Cap sat beside Thor. Putting a hand on his shoulder, he said " Thor.. Don't worry..he will be alright."

" My baby brother, Steve" Thor choked on his tears. " I promised...I promised him I would always protect him. I have failed miserably at that always. For saving me , he gambled away his life. Why are the norns so cruel Steve? Don't we deserve a second chance after all? Me and my brother...my little brother...my brother...Loki..." Thor buried his head in his hands.

Steve was speechless. What could he say to console Thor? Losing a brother that too younger to one was a great pain. Steve knows how it feels...he had lost Bucky once.

Stephen Strange walked out of the room. In three strides, Thor was in front of him, hailing him with questions.

" Doctor..what check up did you do for Loki? Tell me he will survive..tell me I will see my brother smile again.."

" Thor.." Strange said, " Your brother is fine for now. But- "

" But ? What is it , doc? " Thor was frantic. His gut-feeling were draining him alive.

" Thor," Strange replied, " Loki 's immunity is weak. The tumor has turned double malignant for that. It maybe for his frost giant anatomy, or something else. But I am afraid we have to operate on him. And, I am sorry to announce this.. But maximum don't survive this operation. You have to risk it."

" Sorry?! YOU ARE SORRY?! YOU ARE TELLING ME YOU CAN'T SAVE MY LITTLE BROTHER AND YOU ARE SORRY?! You must save him..save him, Strange! How can you say he will not survive?! He must survive! YOU MUST SAVE HIM..HE IS MY BROTHER!"

Thor was yelling. He would have shaken Strange by his collar, had not Steve restrained him. " Thor " Steve warned, " This is a hospital."

Thor sighed. " I am sorry , Strange.." He said, " Forgive me. Can I ...Can I see my brother?" Thor asked, his voice wet with tears.

Strange looked at him with compassionate eyes. " Yes ..yes you may. Just don't disturb his rest."

" Thank you." Thor took steps towards where Loki lay.


Thor entered the room. Tears started falling from his eyes. Loki was lying still on his bed. Only the beeping in the machine proved that Thor's brother was still breathing, still alive.

"Would there ever be a more unfortunate brother than me?" Thor wondered. " I am always present yet death always chooses Loki. And I was never able to save him." Thor thought bitterly.

He went up to his brother's bed. Caressing Loki's pale cheeks with the back of his hand, Thor spoke to his brother.

" What is this , brother? I am feeling like cussing you at the top of my lungs. Why would you do such a thing? Why didn't you let me go, Brother? Why? "

Thor now hugged his brother tightly. Tears from his eyes fell like dew on Loki's parched cheeks.

" I know I have been a very bad brother, Loki. I couldn't protect you. But living without you is worse than hell. Brother , there still so many wars to fight together. You didn't complete the story you were reading to me. There are still so many laughs to share, so many Mischief to do. There is still the sun waiting to shine upon us. Would you leave all that behind and go away, making me alone?"

Thor wiped his eyes. Loki didn't respond to his ramblings . It was as if he was so angry with his brother that he had avowed silence.

Thor went on, praying that his brother answers his frantic callings. " Brother..my little brother..my friend, my companion, my guide..you are my friend, my brother, my family...how did I get so lucky to get you as my brother? Please brother...wake up. I remember you used to piss me off by constant blabbering when we were young. Why aren't you answering me now, when I am so frantically calling you? Come home with me brother. I just wanna take you home with me. Give me one more chance, brother..one last chance. I won't let you go. If you go..I lose myself. Brother ..please...please.." Thor was sobbing hard now.

" Brother"

Thor almost exclaimed with joy. Loki just called him brother.

Loki was smiling at him. " I am here brother," he said, " I won't stop pissing you off so early."

Thor hugged his brother. " Brother ..tell me every thing will be alright. Tell me it's just a trick you are playing. Tell me you would survive the surgery. You would survive it, wouldn't you? My Loki is strong"

Loki was ...overwhelmed. The fact that Thor was not at all ready to lose him, brought tears to his eyes, both of Happiness and sadness.

" Brother..I don't know if I will survive or not. This is no trick. But always know this. If there is a way, I will always find my way back to you. You are my sunshine, Brother. And never doubt that I love you."

Thor bent down and kissed Loki's forehead. " You will be alright brother. You will be alright. Sleep now. You will need strength for tomorrow. "

That night, Thor didn't sleep. He stayed awake , guarding Loki with all his soul.

Thor and Loki - Brotherly Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now