At Freya 's

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Loki was in Vanaheim. His mother's maternal home. It was indeed a beautiful realm. Golden spires reached its lilac sky. Trees with Golden leaves and blue flowers were everywhere. No wonder His mother liked the colour bright yellow.

But Loki was not at all concerned with all this. His only concern was to save Thor.

Loki entered the gates of His aunt's palace . The guards knew him well. They bowed before him and let him in.

Freya was sitting on her Golden throne, petting her cats. Loki kneeled before her.

" I hail Freya, Goddess of love, beauty , and magic, war. Ruler of Folkvangr, Owner of Brisingamen, Lady of Seidr."

" Loki!" Freya's eyes turned sharp and her brows made a frown. " What makes you come here?"

Freya was not in the favour of Frigga marrying Odin. But still, as she loved her sister, she was happy for her. But all ties between her and the Asgardian royal family broke when Frigga died. She blamed Odin, Thor and Loki for the death of her sister. Though, both Freya and Odin were wise enough to not let it affect their people.

" I ..uh..I have come for help."

" Help!?" Freya scoffed. " What do you need help for? So that you can go on with creating whatever chaos and Mischief you like to?"

Loki sighed. He was tired and worried out of mind for his brother. He did not have time for this.

" Aunt, I know you are hurt by your sister's death." Loki spoke with difficulty. Recalling his mother's death was the worst thing ever.

" I know you blame us for what happened to her." Loki continued. " I blame myself too. But, It is not for praying you to forget the past that I come here. I come here for your sister's son. My elder brother, Thor."

Freya' s eyes now widened. " Thor.." she asked, " What of him?"

Loki gulped. " He is in mortal danger. I need to save him ..but I can't until you help me."

" What help do you need?" Freya asked.

" I want you to teach me tele magnetism. "

" Oh , so you want to take his mortal wound on yourself.." Freya immediately acknowledged. " No, Loki. You can't save someone from his destiny. It is against the rules of using this magic."

Loki looked up now. Freya was surprised to see tears in his eyes.

" Aunt, he is your sister 's son. I know you are an impartial judge, just like my father, but please... I am begging of you to grant me an exception. I will sell my soul to Nidhogg in exchange for Thor's life. I can't let him die. Aunt, I love my brother as dearly as you loved my mother. Please grant me a boon. I know you are hurt for your sister's death. But you can save her son. Exact any retribution you want, but please let me save my brother. I am not asking for immortality, because I know it's unjust and actually of no use. Immortals suffer more than mortals. But please...find a way out for me ." Loki was fully crying now.

Freya was astonished. Honestly, she didn't like Loki much. This nephew of her lacked honor in his conduct. But what Loki just said... was indeed noble. Her eyes watered thinking of Frigga. Freya's love for Frigga was similar to that of Loki's for Thor. She knew she would have done the same thing had she been in Loki's place.

" Alright.." Freya said, " I grant you the boon of Tele magnetism. But promise me to use it only for Thor's welfare."

Loki's face lit up. He knelt down again. " I would be grateful to you even after I reach Valhalla for this, Lady Freya. Yes, I promise I won't use it for anybody else except Thor."

Freya smiled. She clapped her hands. Two guards came and bowed before her. She ordered, " Take prince Loki and return him as quickly as possible to Midgard. "

Loki and the two guards bowed before her and just as they were about to leave, Freya said, " Loki.."

" Yes, my lady?" Loki asked.

" Frigga would be proud of you."

Loki's eyes swelled up in tears . Wasn't that what he always wanted? To make her and his family proud?

" Thank you aunt. " Loki said as he started walked with the guards towards the door.

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