You can only hide from enemies.

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Loki couldn't believe his own eyes. Thor's medical report had long fallen to the ground from his shaking hands.

Tears were streaming down his face. Loki felt utterly defeated, betrayed. He felt like cussing the Norns at the top of his lungs, until blood came out of his throat. He felt like stabbing Thor two times over than he stabbed him all his lifetime for ever hiding his illness from him.

His brother had left for a meeting at avengers, and told him to stay careful. " I'll be back soon. Take care of yourself Loki." Thor said before leaving.

As soon as Thor left, Loki went in his room to search if there was anything which bothered his brother. There he saw a piece of paper, a prescription most probably, lying on the lamp table beside Thor's bed. Out of curiosity, Loki picked it up to read it. Then his world came tumbling down.

Thor had cancer. He had a terminal brain tumor which was growing fatal day by day. That means, each day , Loki was nearing to lose his brother to this dreadful disease and he didn't even know it. And for Odin's sake, Thor had been hiding this ailment for damn 1 month!

Now it all fell into place. Why Thor looked paler. Why Thor got tired so easily. Why he always tried to avoid more fighting now.

" Stupid ...Stupid me!" Loki kicked the table in Thor's room. " I should have known my brother is ill. Why would he avoid fighting, who has only known fighting all his damn life! Oh norns...Please don't take Thor away from me. He is my brother. My only friend. What would I do if " Loki was going crazy. No, No no no no...he can't even imagine a life with Thor gone.

The tyres screeching of a car brought Loki back to his senses. Oh good. Thor has finally returned. That oaf has a great hell of explaining to do.


The god of thunder got off his car. He was feeling dreadful tired. Oh norns. His illness was really getting the best of him.

Thor entered the house. The moment Thor saw that Light in his room was on, his heart sank. Loki.

Oh God, please let him not find out anything.

Thor plastered a grin on his face and entered the room. Loki was standing with his back towards the door.

" Brotha!" Thor beamed, " I am home."

" You have a hell lot of explaining to do."

Thor froze. Oh norns. That means he did find out.

Now, Loki turned towards Thor. Thor's heart sank even more. Loki's hair was disheveled. His eyes all red and puffed up. No wonder he had been crying piteously.

" Brother, I-"

Before Thor could finish his sentence, Loki lunged himself at him in a bone crushing hug. Thor could feel his little brother trembling against his shoulders sobbing even harder.
Without a moment 's delay, Thor hugged Loki tight. Tears were flowing from his eyes too and he didn't bother to wipe or hide them.

" What is this brother?! What is this? You were so badly ill and you didn't bother to tell me! Why didn't you tell me? Why?! Am I still not trustworthy in your eyes?"

" Loki-"

" No! You listen to me brother! You should have told me the day you came to know. We could have sort this out. I could have saved you! Now, I don't know what this disease has done to you already! Brother..I can't live without you. How did you get infected? You don't trust me ..I get it. But Don't leave me brother. Promise me you will stay. You will stay and we will find a way out."


Loki looks up at Thor. Thor smiles amidst tears. " Yes brother. I never distrusted you. I always believed there was good in you. That you were strong and capable."

" Then why didn't you tell me?"

" Loki , I am sorry. I didn't want to hurt you, that's all. But I should have known it may break your heart when you would find it one day. But what could I have done? I had no choice. I didn't have the courage to break the news to you. You are my brother. Giving you a heartbreak is something I never wanted to do. In the past, you have suffered enough brother. I didn't want you to suffer more. I got this disease due to the prolonged exposure to power stone on the Statesman. And don't you dare blame yourself for that Loki. It wasn't your fault. Wasn't your fault at all. It was my destiny. Our fate. I did not have the courage to say to you to start practicing living without m-"

" DON'T YOU DARE!" Loki crushed Thor again in his embrace. " Don't you dare say to me to learn to live in a world where you are not there. I don't want to Brother! I will follow you to Hel's gates if nessecary. But I won't live in a world without you. Not for one moment."

The two brothers stayed like that for a long time. Each one 's heart was heavy with emotions, but none had the tongue to express it. It was Loki who first broke the silence.

" Are your meds helping?"

" As per now, yes. But in the long run, it is never enough." Thor replied.

" So ..Everybody knows except your own brother?"

" Loki..." Thor chided his brother softly. Tucking behind his strands of hair, Thor replied, " Only the Avengers. I had to confess to them. Cause I can't be fighting as much as I used to. Nobody else."

Loki was silent for a minute. He then said " Come you oaf. You need rest. Lay down and sleep. I am not going anywhere. I will sit beside you and look after you. "

" Brother-"

" Not one word more." Loki said, giving a smile as Frigga used to give when Thor or Loki used to fall ill, and she tucked them into their bed. Though Tears were peeping in his eyes, threatening to spill. Norns, how did Thor get so lucky to have a Brother like Loki? How did he be so fortunate that when he dies it would be in Loki' s arms?

Loki tucked Thor in. Thor closed his eyes. Loki turned the light off. He caressed Thor's hair and started humming a lullaby which Frigga, his mother used to sing to him when he fell ill.

Beside his brother, sleep came quickly and peacefully to Thor. Loki kept awake. He kissed Thor's forehead in brotherly affection.

" Brother I won't let you go. You won't get rid of me so easily. I will save you..come hell or high water."

Thor and Loki - Brotherly Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now