I won't let you go so easily...

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Loki was walking up and down near his brother's medical ward for good 1 hour now. The venomous thoughts in his head were eating him alive. What if he was too late? What if Thor..? What if my brother died on me? What if...? No ...these What if's were driving Loki crazy.

Tears were raining down his eyes. All other people in the hospital were looking at him, and understanding his condition were moving past him. Other times, Loki would have stayed stern. He would have put up his cold mask which he learnt to put on from a very young age. But now, he was too worried about thinking to not show his inner feelings. His only concern now was Thor, and if he was breathing or not.

" Loki, Buddy," Tony interrupted his thoughts, " Sit down. Thor would be okay. You have been pacing up and down for damn 1 hour now."

" Tony's right." Steve said. " Thor's strong. He will survive Loki."

After reaching the hospital, and informing Dr Strange, Loki texted the Avengers from his phone. The result was that all the Avengers were here , waiting for Thor to wake up, and watching Loki frantically worrying for his brother.

" What if Thor.." Loki couldn't speak further. He will not, could not utter those dangerous words.

" Nothing will happen to him," Natasha spoke softly, " But you need to be strong Loki. Thor needs you the most now."

Loki sighed. Black widow was right. Thor needs him now. Loki sat down on the benches in the hospital.

After another 1 hour, Dr. Stephen Strange, came out of Thor's ward. Loki jumped up on his feet, and in a moment he was in front of Strange, attacking him with questions.

" How is he? How is my brother? Tell me he still lives. Has he opened his eyes? Will he be alright? "

" Loki," Strange said compassionately, " Calm down. Thor is okay. He is alive and breathing. He is sleeping now, and will wake soon. But-"

" BUT? But what? Tell me, doctor.." Loki asked , though his dreading heart was trembling.

" Loki, the tumor in Thor's brain has enlarged. That's why Thor 's head was paining. This is a process in cancer. It is very painful."

" Can't you do something?" Loki pleaded.
At this point of time, Steve put his hand over Loki's shoulder understandingly. He felt the same when he was losing Bucky for the first time. He could very well understand what Loki was going through.

Strange shook his head. " At present, we can do nothing , except giving him the meds nessecary . We can operate on him to remove the malignant tumor, but I won't lie to you Loki. There is very less success percentage in this operation. Maximum don't survive."

Loki was listening to Strange, standstill. His world was breaking once again. Is there no way to save his brother?

" Can I see my brother?" Loki asked.
Strange gave him a small smile. " Your brother has been transferred to his cabin. Yes, you can."

" Thank you." He looked at the Avengers. All of them nodded in agreement. Loki started walking towards his brother's cabin.


Loki entered his brother's cabin. Thor was laying on the white bed of a hospital. He was sleeping peacefully. Loki's eyes welled up with tears. Thor's face reminded him of the times when they were children and both of them shared the same room. Loki went and sat beside his brother's bed. Loki took Thor's hand, which was not connected to the IV drip, and clasping Thor's hand in his hands, he brought them up to his cheeks.

" Stay with me, brother..stay with me,..."

" I 'll always be with you Loki."

Loki looked up in sudden surprise. Thor was awake. He was smiling at his little brother, though his eyes were sparkling too. Loki's voice became heavy with emotions.

" Thor .." Loki said, " Brother..don't leave me. I have never imagined a life without you in it. I cannot live it. Brother, what will I do if you are not here with me? I don't wanna live without you. Please brother. You and mother are all I ever had. Mother left. I couldn't even say her goodbye. You don't leave. I would turn into a living corpse if you leave. I don't have the courage to say you goodbye."

Thor was ..overwhelmed. He knew that Loki loved him, but he never knew that it was this profound. He had always believed that they had somewhat drifted apart. He never knew that his brother still loved him so deeply.
Tears which were forming in his eyes threatened to spill.

" Brother," Thor answered, clasping Loki's neck. It was always a form of affection between the brothers - very personal, so full of love and care.

" Brother, it's okay. I will always be with you. Even after I die. I won't go to Valhalla, I promise."

" No.." Loki pleaded like a child, " I want you here with me."

" Brother, it's ok. I never told you this before. But I am immensely proud and happy to have you as a brother. You are so strong. I know you will carry on after I am gone.."

" Please stop saying that you will be gone!" Loki cried. Thor flinched a bit. Immediately gulit washed over Loki.

Caressing his brother, Loki said, " I am sorry brother..I didn't mean to shock you. Sleep brother. Your body needs rest."

Thor smiled. He closed his eyes, and was asleep again, in 15 minutes.

Loki spoke to himself. " I can't lose you brother. I am sorry, I can't. I know a way to save you. Forgive me, brother. I will have to take the risk. The risk which I took in Statesman."

Loki knew that there is a process of magic. It is called Tele magnetism. That is, you use it to attract happiness or miseries towards yourself from your enemies and loved ones respectively.

Frigga never taught him this. " Everyone should learn to face their own problems and be happy in their share of happiness. " , she said everytime Loki asked her to teach him this.

But Loki still knew one person who could grant him his wish. Freya. Frigga 's elder sister. Thor and Loki's maternal Aunt. Goddess of magic and love.

Thor and Loki - Brotherly Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now