Mr. Plant

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For Mr. Plant it was a normal day of being alone in his void. He was in his small home, watching television, as usual. He hadn't yet eaten that day. He had already added a new tally mark to his wall. He was still waiting for the letter from Mr. Flower.  He hadn't seen Argos in a while. He almost missed him. Mr. Plant suppressed those thoughts. ' I can't have emotions. Those are for weak people.' Mr. Plant thought to himself. He did not want to admit that he cared about Argos. About an hour later, Mr. Plant heard a knock at his door. When he opened it, he saw Argos. "Hey, Mr. Plant! How is your day? It's been quite a while since we hung out!" Argos said. He had a look if pure love and happiness on his face. Obviously excited to see Mr. Plant. Mr. Plant didn't talk. Argos was mostly used to that. Mr. Plant opened the door wide enough for Argos to enter. Argos came in and sat at Mr. Plants dining room table. Mr. Plant never really ate much. He wondered why he even had it still. Anyway, he sat across the table from Argos. "This is the kind of thing to discuss in person." Argos said, gaining a more serious face.

Mr. Plant x ArgosWhere stories live. Discover now